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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 901 - 920 of 4203 articles

Tjapukai Shaw, the Air Force’s Indigenous liaison officer, on an outreach mission to Indigenous communities in a remote part of NSW in 2019. DAN HIMBRECHTS/AAP

With Dutton in defence, the Morrison government risks progress on climate and Indigenous affairs

These issues matter to our strategic allies, particularly in the Pacific. Dutton’s climate change scepticism and attitudes toward First Nations people could have a damaging effect.
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

Satellites reveal ocean currents are getting stronger, with potentially significant implications for climate change

Our team discovered clear changes in the distribution and strength of ocean eddies. These changes have never been detected before.
Mahasiswa dari Queensland University of Technology (QUT) di Australia melakukan Tari Jaranan di Surabaya sebagai bagian dari program musim panas kampus tersebut pada tahun 2018. (ANTARA FOTO/Moch Asim)

Maraknya penutupan program bahasa Indonesia di berbagai kampus Australia akan lemahkan hubungan kedua negara

Ketika kampus di Australia menutup program bahasa Indonesia, mereka mengabaikan peran mereka dalam mempromosikan ikatan dengan Indonesia. Di masa depan, ini bisa melukai relasi Australia-Indonesia.
A student from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Australia performs the Jaranan Dance in Surabaya as part of the campus’s summer program in 2018. ANTARA FOTO/Moch Asim

Closure of Indonesian language programs in Australian universities will weaken ties between the two countries

When Australian universities cancel their language programs, they abandon their crucial role in promoting engagement with Indonesia. In the long run, ties between the two countries will suffer for it.
See, no crying or big needles, just a person of colour showing off his plaster. This image does the job without scaring people and demonstrates diversity. from

Pictures of COVID injections can scare the pants off people with needle phobias. Use these instead

Our well-meaning efforts to use images to help demystify the vaccination process or share our pride in getting a COVID vaccine can backfire.


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