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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 1201 - 1220 of 4200 articles

Vincent Namatjira, Western Arrernte people, Northern Territory, born 1983, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Close Contact, 2018, Indulkana, South Australia, synthetic polymer paint on plywood; Gift of the James & Diana Ramsay Foundation for the Ramsay Art Prize 2019. Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, photo: Grant Hancock

Terra nullius interruptus: Captain James Cook and absent presence in First Nations art

For too long, Cook was a promise recollected in pigment, bronze and stone. Contemporary First Nations artists are challenging this imagery.
A crowded walkway at Cronulla, NSW, makes it impossible for people to observe physical distancing rules while exercising. Simon Bullard/AAP

Physical distancing is here for a while – over 100 experts call for more safe walking and cycling space

We’ve all seen the increases in people walking and cycling on shared paths so crowded it’s almost impossible to maintain physical distancing. This must be fixed, and quickly.
Dean Lewins/AAP

Open letter from 265 Australian economists: don’t sacrifice health for ‘the economy’

Leading Australian economists in four countries have signed an open letter calling on the national cabinet to think carefully before easing restrictions ‘for the sake of 'the economy’.
Seorang pelancong pakai gelang tangan GPS untuk melacak pergerakannya di Bandara Internasional Hong Kong, 19 Maret 2020. Sejak tanggal itu, semua pendatang harus mengisolasi diri selama 14 hari di rumah dengan pengawasan medis. EPA/JEROME FAVRE

Rumah sakit di Indonesia terancam lumpuh: ini 6 strategi “perang” mengalahkan COVID-19

Saat ini Indonesia dalam persimpangan penting untuk mencegah perluasan COVID, dalam artikel ini 6 rekomendasi strategi berbasis bukti diajukan agar Indonesia mampu mengendalikan COVID tanpa lockdown.


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