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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 1281 - 1300 of 4200 articles

Pour l’instant, les autorités sanitaires estiment que chaque personne infectieuse pourrait transmettre le virus à deux autres individus. Jerome Favre/AAP

Que sait-on de la contagiosité du coronavirus de Wuhan ?

Le coronavirus chinois peut-il se transmettre avant les premiers symptômes ? Les preuves manquent encore pour l’affirmer, mais une étude suggère que des enfants asymptomatiques peuvent le propager.
Catherine Hay Thomson went undercover as an assistant nurse for her series on conditions at Melbourne Hospital. A. J. Campbell Collection/National Library of Australia

Hidden women of history: Catherine Hay Thomson, the Australian undercover journalist who went inside asylums and hospitals

A passionate crusader for the rights of women and children, Catherine Hay Thomson went undercover to investigate their treatment in public institutions and testified before a Royal Commission.
Birds are disoriented by smoke and often cannot escape a fire. James Ross/AAP

A season in hell: bushfires push at least 20 threatened species closer to extinction

In a matter of weeks, the fires have subverted decades of dedicated conservation efforts for many threatened species.
Pada tingkat molekul, stres dan ketegangan dapat membuat jam tubuh seperti berlari cepat. Lightspring/Shutterstock

Tik, tok… stres mempercepat penuaan

Bukti-bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa paparan stres yang berkepanjangan dapat mempercepat penuaan dan kerusakan tubuh.
Tennis professionals like Maria Sharapova (pictured) share similar personality traits to her peers and rivals in tennis, but these traits are entirely different to those in other professions such as technology or science. johanlb/flickr

Robot career advisor: AI may soon be able to analyse your tweets to match you to a job

After analysing posts from 100,000 Twitter users, our research used big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence to reveal the hidden personality traits underpinning thousands of jobs.
A Victorian court decision that an Airbnb agreement had the status of a lease has profound implications for guests and hosts. Daniel Krason/Shutterstock

Your Airbnb guest could be a tenant. Until the law is cleared up, hosts are in limbo

In 2016, a Victorian court decided an Airbnb arrangement was a lease. ‘Guests’ could be protected by tenancy law, including against eviction. And in this case the host was evicted for subletting.


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