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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 1301 - 1320 of 4200 articles

Australia’s budget bottom line has been assisted by the price of iron ore, which spiked in 2019 as a result of the tailings dam spill disaster near the town of Brumadinho, Brazil, in January. Antonio Lacerda/EPA

Vital Signs: Australia’s wafer-thin surplus rests on a mine disaster in Brazil

Charter of Budget Honesty aside, we can expect assumptions that stretch credulity so the Australian government can maintain its surplus forecast.
Of the 23 recommendations made in the ACCC’s final report, the government supported six in their entirety, ten “in principle”, “noted” five and rejected two. shutterstock

The federal government’s response to the ACCC’s Digital Platforms Inquiry is a let down

The ACCC’s inquiry was launched to address concerns about the market power of major digital platforms, such as Google and Facebook, and their impact on Australia’s businesses and media.
Cogitive load theory explains why explicit guidance from teachers is more effective in teaching students new content and skills than letting them discover these for themselves. from

I had an idea in the 1980s and to my surprise, it changed education around the world

There are two types of knowledge – we’ve evolved to acquire the first naturally; we need schools for the second. Cognitive load theory explains how to teach knowledge we don’t automatically get.
Morrison government assistant minister Luke Howarth argues that finding jobs for people in social housing will help free up dwellings for other people on the waiting list. Mick Tsikas/AAP

As simple as finding a job? Getting people out of social housing is much more complex than that

Helping tenants find work supposedly creates a pathway into private rental housing, freeing up social housing for others. Private rental costs and the situations of many tenants make that unrealistic.
One of this year’s most refreshing developments was the youth-led action on climate change. AAP Image/Dan Peled

5 human rights issues that defined 2019

From mass climate change movements to cultural genocide of Uighurs in China, here are some of the headline human rights moments that captured Australia’s attention.
At a molecular level, stresses and strains can make your body clock break into a sprint. Lightspring/Shutterstock

Tick, tock… how stress speeds up your chromosomes’ ageing clock

Emerging evidence suggests that prolonged stress exposure can accelerate the ticking rate of an internal cellular clock. By doing so, stress can contribute to faster ageing and body deterioration.
Even though passcode options include swipe patterns and long passwords, many users still use easy 4-digit PINs. This is because people are often lulled into a false sense of security when they use fingerprint login. SHUTTERSTOCK

Fingerprint login should be a secure defence for our data, but most of us don’t use it properly

While the data from a fingerprint is very hard to retrieve, cybercriminals can get around biometric technology in various ways. And having a weak passcode is like giving them a hall pass.
Seorang pria penyandang disabilitas di Jakarta. Penting untuk memberikan keterampilan, kepercayaan diri, dan jejaring bagi para aktivis disabilitas untuk terus berkampanye demi penerapan hukum secara penuh.

Riset: dua tahun UU disahkan, aktivis nilai banyak pejabat tak paham disabilitas

Riset kami pada tahun 2018 menunjukkan keengganan pejabat pemerintahan lokal dalam melaksanakan Undang-Undang tentang Penyandang Disabiltas yang baru.
A man with a disability is seen in Jakarta. It is important to provide disability activists with skills, confidence and networks to continue campaigning for the full implementation of the law.

Research: changing Indonesian officials’ attitudes on disability issues takes time

Our 2018 research on the implementation of the new disability law shows that policymakers are still reluctant to implement the law.
Cyclists take over the Sydney Harbour Bridge during a Critical Mass protest event in 2000. City of Sydney Archives: Tim Cole 'Circular Quay' Collection: 87824

On the Battle of Seattle’s 20th anniversary, let’s remember the Aussie coders who created live sharing

In 1999, ahead of World Trade Organisation protests, a group of Australian activists created the first open internet publishing platform. This technology is the basis of the internet we know today.


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