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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 1321 - 1340 of 4200 articles

Defective apartment buildings aren’t just affecting the evacuated residents – the whole sector is suffering from a crisis of confidence. Paul Miller/AAP

Lack of information on apartment defects leaves whole market on shaky footings

The difficulty of finding out about building defects creates an information deficit that threatens public confidence and stability in the apartment market. NSW has begun work on a solution.
Last year fire storms raged across California. Similar conditions could become more likely for Australia. Giovanni is interested in how meteorological processes operate at multiple spatial and temporal scales to control air pollution events, and how this influence is mediated by topographic variation and characteristics of the urban environment. His current r

Climate change will make fire storms more likely in southeastern Australia

Extreme fire risk will overlap with weather patterns to create fire tornadoes more often under climate change.
Australia could achieve higher economic growth through more population growth and lower taxes, but at the expense of equality, fairness and the environment.

We modelled 4 scenarios for Australia’s future. Economic growth alone can’t deliver the goods

A fairer, greener and more prosperous Australia is possible – so long as political leaders don’t focus just on economic growth.
If the cement industry were a country, it would be the third-largest emitter of CO₂ in the world. Joe Mabel/Wikimedia

Green cement a step closer to being a game-changer for construction emissions

The cement needed to make concrete – the most widely used man-made material – is a major source of global emissions. Researchers are working on a green replacement that could transform the sector.
Your twitching eye is more likely to be due to staring at a screen for too long rather than some serious illness. from

If Dr Google’s making you sick with worry, there’s help

If Googling your health symptoms is taking over you’re day-to-day life and is distressing you, here are some ways to get help.
Would the economy be in better shape if the RBA had cut interest rates sooner? AAP Image/Bianca De Marchi)

Vital Signs: does monetary policy work any more?

The Reserve Bank of Australia says it’s prepared to ease monetary policy further if needed to stimulate the economy. But is the policy working when interests rates are so low?
Sekitar 90% hasil penelitian di jurnal ilmiah memiliki hasil yang positif (membuktikan hipotesis). Bias tersebut telah mendorong banyak peneliti untuk melakukan praktek-praktek yang ‘nakal’ supaya risetnya lebih mudah dipublikasikan. Shutterstock

Tiga hal yang bisa dilakukan komunitas akademik untuk mencegah peneliti ‘nakal’

Iklim penelitian yang kompetitif dan tidak sehat telah mendorong banyak peneliti untuk melakukan kebohongan supaya risetnya banyak dipublikasikan di jurnal. Bagaimana cara mematahkan tren tersebut?
The Boeing 737 is a workhorse for many airlines, including Qantas. AAP Image/Dan Himbrechts

Should you worry about Boeing 737s? Only if you run an airline

Qantas has faced calls to ground its entire fleet of Boeing 737s after cracks were found in three aircraft. But the incident is a threat to airlines’ reputations rather than a real risk to passengers.
Around 90% of research papers published in journals contain results that prove the hypotheses. This bias has driven scientists to commit unethical practices just to get published easier. Shutterstock

Three things the scientific community can do to filter sketchy research

Indonesia’s unhealthy obsession with research output is driving scientists to commit unethical acts to produce research that are more publishable. What can the research community do to stop this?
Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe (right) says he needs government help to boost the economy. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is yet to provide it. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

We asked 13 economists how to fix things. All back the RBA governor over the treasurer

Every one of the 13 economists surveyed by The Conversation thinks more stimulus is needed. None think it should all come from the Reserve Bank. Most think the budget surplus can wait.
One in four of nearly 800 animals genetically tested were pure dingo. Michelle J Photography

Dingoes found in New South Wales, but we’re killing them as ‘wild dogs’

There is a myth that dingoes are extinct and wild dogs are all that remain in Australia. Our results show dingoes in New South Wales persist despite some mixing with domestic dogs.


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