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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 1401 - 1420 of 4200 articles

Glencore’s lawyers argued anything about the company in the Paradise Papers was “privileged” and the tax office should be prevented from using that information.

Australia’s tax office can use global data leaks to pursue multinationals, High Court rules

The High Court of Australia has given the Australia Taxation Office a green light to use leaked information about Glencore and offshore tax havens.
Thousands of children and young people provide substantial unpaid care to a family member with a disability, chronic or mental illness, dependence on alcohol or other drugs, or frailty due to old age. Jesús Rodríguez/Unsplash

One in 10 Aussie kids care for someone with a disability or drug dependence – they need help at school

A study has found children between the ages of 8 and 14 who take care of a family member with a drug addiction or mental illness aren’t very happy at, and don’t feel all that safe, at school.
Women have heart attacks too and can have different symptoms to men, like jaw pain, breathlessness or nausea, as well as the familiar chest pain. So why don’t we see this on TV? from

According to TV, heart attack victims are rich, white men who clutch their hearts and collapse. Here’s why that’s a worry

It’s time characters on TV reflected not only women’s experience of heart disease but those of men from diverse backgrounds if we want to prevent more people dying from heart disease.
In low-rent outer suburbs, almost one in six households could not afford to keep their house cool and went without meals. ChameleonsEye/Shutterstock

Private renters are doing it tough in outer suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne

While politicians ignore calls to raise Newstart, alarming levels of financial stress among private renters, particularly in low-rent outer suburbs, show why current welfare payments are too low.
One of the artworks made as part of a project where Australians are sending artistic representations of the bird to politicians to protest the Adani mine, which threatens the bird’s habitat. Robyn Rich

Protest art: rallying cry or elegy for the black-throated finch?

Australian artists are protesting the Adani mine’s potential impact on the black-throated finch. The project is gaining traction online, but in this case, emotive art might not be enough.
Government ministers responded to the construction industry crisis by announcing a national approach to implementing recommendations of a report they commissioned in 2017 and received 17 months ago. Bianca De Marchi/AAP

Ministers fiddle while buildings crack and burn

The construction industry crisis didn’t happen overnight. Authorities have been on notice for years to fix the problems that now have the industry itself calling for better regulation.


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