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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 1561 - 1580 of 4200 articles

Australia could be breaching its international legal obligations if it is not fairly assessing asylum seekers who apply for protection at customs. BRENDAN ESPOSITO/AAP

We don’t know how many asylum seekers are turned away at Australian airports

Australia’s immigration department doesn’t keep a record of the number of people applying for asylum at airports. This means there is no oversight over the treatment of those seeking protection.
Shark Bay was hit by a brutal marine heatwave in 2011. W. Bulach/Wikimedia Commons

Shark Bay: A World Heritage Site at catastrophic risk

Everyone knows the Great Barrier Reef is in peril. But a continent away, Western Australia’s Shark Bay is also threatened by marine heatwaves that could alter this World Heritage ecosystem forever.
Statistics on Australian Facebook users show no decrease in numbers since the Cambridge Analytica scandal first received public attention. AAP/LUONG THAI LINH

Why are Australians still using Facebook?

Some Australian Facebook users are more worried about over-sharing by friends than the privacy and security of their personal information.
A cake made to farewell the last tenant to leave the Sirius building, which was built in Sydney at a time when governments saw the need to invest directly in public housing. Ben Rushton/AAP

Is social housing essential infrastructure? How we think about it does matter

If we recognised social housing as infrastructure as essential as transport links, schools and hospitals, not properly investing in it could become unthinkable.
The 392 apartments in Opal Tower (centre) were evacuated on Christmas Eve when residents heard loud cracks and defects were found. Paul Braven/AAP

Beyond Opal: a 10-point plan to fix the residential building industry

While Opal Tower residents are more badly affected than most, up to 80% of multi-unit buildings have serious defects. Here’s what government can do right now to fix the industry.
It’s a good idea to wash your hands after you go to the toilet, after you blow your nose, before you help prepare food and before you eat. Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Curious Kids: why do we need soap?

While we move soap around, it lifts up invisible oil that holds germs onto your hand.
Orang tua juga bertanggung jawab dalam kemampuan anak-anak dalam matematika.

Demi anak-anak, kita perlu belajar matematika

Alih-alih belajar dari dasar untuk mengembangkan kemampuan matematika, kita harus memprioritaskan pembelajaran matematika dengan menarik tenaga-tenaga terampil di rumah.
The Bell Nexus is a full-scale vertical-takeoff-and-landing air taxi vehicle, powered by a hybrid-electric propulsion system. Bell/Cover Images

Flying taxis within five years? Not likely

CASA says we could have flying taxis operating in Australia within five years. But there are a few hurdles to clear before we see ride sharing happening in the air rather than on the ground.
A number on a standardised test is not enough to make sure international students succeed – they need ongoing support even if they have a basic grasp of English.

Higher English entry standards for international students won’t necessarily translate to success

While international students do need baseline proficiency in English, they need support the whole way through their degrees to actually be successful.


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