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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 1941 - 1960 of 4200 articles

Contrary to popular belief, sex workers were more likely than not to report that their work enhanced their wellbeing. Author supplied

New report shows compelling reasons to decriminalise sex work

The study shows the negative effects of sex work’s criminalisation, including a reluctance of workers to go to police and clients using it as an excuse to abuse workers.
Rice famers near Siem Reap, Cambodia. Darren Curnoe

Was agriculture the greatest blunder in human history?

Twelve thousand years ago everybody lived as hunters and gatherers. But by 5,000 years ago most people lived as farmers. This brief period marked the biggest shift ever in human history with unparalleled…
The power disparity between Harvey Weinstein and his alleged victims plays into a range of myths and stereotypes about women. Reuters/Mario Anzuoni

What the Harvey Weinstein case tells us about sexual assault disclosure

Men like Harvey Weinstein have been able to abuse with relative impunity, despite many in the entertainment industry appearing to know or have suspicion of their behaviour.
A drug needs to pass quite a few hurdles before it gets to the market. The Conversation/Wes Mountain

Explainer: how do drugs get from the point of discovery to the pharmacy shelf?

Only around 10% of new drugs in development make it onto the market. A drug needs to go through animal trials, and then four phases of human trials to be deemed suitable for use in patients.
Randomisation is the only commonly accepted method of ensuring an unbiased estimate of the treatment effect. The Conversation/Wes Mountain

Randomised control trials: what makes them the gold standard in medical research?

A randomised controlled trial is the best way to compare a new treatment with the standard treatment. And randomising trial participants is a core feature of the experiment.
“Looking for one girl to share a master room with another 3 girls.” Screenshot from Gumtree ad, August 19 2017, 11:58

Room sharing is the new flat sharing

City living costs are driving people to organise themselves to share a room with strangers. These precarious living arrangements hardly qualify as a home.


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