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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 1981 - 2000 of 4200 articles

Melting Antarctic ice can trigger effects on the other side of the globe. NASA/Jane Peterson

How Antarctic ice melt can be a tipping point for the whole planet’s climate

The climate secrets contained in an ancient tree that lived through abrupt global change reveal how Antarctica can trigger rapid warming in the north by dumping cold water into the Southern Ocean.
Google is adept at throwing up news we don’t need in our searches. So it’s time to fight back.

Taking control of who gets to send us news

Recently, I was in hasty need of multiple sources on a breaking news story, so I went to a well-known news aggregation website. But before I had even typed in my search terms, it was apparent that my options…
Commemorations to honour those who have donated their bodies for the study of anatomy not only contain symbolic objects like candles and flowers, but also song and online tributes. from

Medical schools are shaking off a dark past by honouring people who donate their bodies to science

We’ve come a long way since the dark days of grave robbing to provide bodies for dissection. Now, there are ceremonies and memorials to honour people who have donated their body to science.
Social connectedness supports our physical and mental health. Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

Are you part of a social group? Making sure you are will improve your health

Social connectedness is at least as good for your health as quitting smoking or exercise. So what is it and how can you get some of it?
The Day After Tomorrow’s apocalyptic depiction of climate change is a little embellished. But such storylines can ignite conversations with people that mainstream science fails to reach. 20th Century Fox

Can ‘cli-fi’ actually make a difference? A climate scientist’s perspective

Climate scientists often bombard their audiences with facts and figures - a method of communication that often doesn’t work. Perhaps this is where cli-fi can step in, with its compelling characters and just slightly embellished science.
Harvard’s recent CRISPR experiment isn’t just a new frontier for science – it’s also a new take on how we conceive of human history. gopixa/

Will whoever controls gene editing control historical memory?

The CRISPR gene-editing technique raises new questions about how we measure time and conceptualise history. Here, a cultural theorist takes on the philosophical side of this scientific breakthrough.


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