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Articles on Drinking

Displaying 101 - 120 of 122 articles

The regulation of drinking has helped create precisely the violent, misogynistic and law-breaking culture that it was intended to control. John Brack/Wikimedia Commons

Curfews and lockouts: battles over drinking time have a long history in NSW

Since the earliest days of British colonisation, authorities have sought to limit the problems associated with alcohol by licensing its sale and limiting the times and places where it is drunk.
New models of recovery schools are offering hope for kids with addiction. Rehabilitation sign image via

Explainer: how recovery high schools help kids with addiction

Teen drug abuse is a real problem with 46% of high school students hooked on some addictive substance. Recovery high schools are offering a new model of treatment.
On the lash in Germany, 500 years ago. Barthel Beham, ‘Village Fair’ (German single-leaf woodcut, c. 1530).

Hard Evidence: how much did our ancestors drink – and are we drinking more?

Autumn is awash with alcohol, and not just because of the new vintage. Oktoberfest plays a part, too, the 16-day festival in Munich that we associate with massive beer mugs and plenty of debauchery. Its…

Drinking problems impact on memory later in life

People with a history of drinking problems in middle age are more than twice as likely to exhibit memory problems in later…
Bottoms up. EPA

Going to the pub could solve our drinking problem

Rarely a day passes without another horror story about the UK’s drinking problem: alcohol-related violence, debauchery in city centres, record demand on A&E resources, a liver disease epidemic and…

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