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Articles on Scotland

Displaying 561 - 580 of 651 articles

Is Scottish victimhood fuelling the yes campaign? Carl Court/PA

Scotland Decides ’14: are Scots too sensitive?

Mix the Scots and sport and you’re bound to end up with trouble. Just ask William Hague, who gaffed this week that Team GB would break a leg at next month’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow – forgetting that…
With a bit of help sufferers can remain effective at work. Helen ST

Employers must become aware of dementia in the workplace

Recent figures suggest there are around 800,000 people in the UK with dementia. People usually associate the condition with later life, but around 17,000 of people with the condition are under the age…
Why do 14-17s have such different views to 18-24s? East Lothian Musems

The next generation may vote differently, just ask the Scots

There seems to be a contradiction in the media reports about young people and their voting intentions in the Scottish referendum. While many polls and the Scottish Social Attitudes survey have found that…
Scottish diabetes rates have rocketed, but there are promising signs. Tom Wang

Scotland might slowly be turning the corner on diabetes

The number of people with diabetes in the UK has more than doubled over the past two decades, with more than 3.8 million people currently affected. Around 10% of them have Type 1 diabetes, which is caused…
One in five young children in Scotland is dissatisfied with life. Pawel Bak

Growing up in Scotland: what makes children unhappy?

Surprisingly perhaps, researchers know less about what makes young children feel unhappy than what they know about the causes of children’s behavioural and emotional problems. Most existing studies of…
Attitudes towards alcohol in Scotland are changing. Marc Roberts

Hard Evidence: has Scotland had enough to drink?

Scotland is often portrayed as a place where heavy drinking comes as part of the furniture, yet it seems the Scottish public are less and less inclined to agree. New results from the Scottish Social Attitudes…
England has come a long way since devolution. EPA

A no vote may see Scots tied to a less patient England

It may only be Scotland that is heading to the polls on September 18, but it is not the only interested party in the results of the independence referendum. England would obviously play a dominant role…

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