Prior to joining ESSEC, Dr Ioana Lupu was a Lecturer in Management Control at Queen Mary University London and a Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow at Cass Business School, Centre for the Study of Professional Service Firms working on an EU funded project. She is the author of one book bqsed on her PhD dissertation: “Carrières de femmes. Identité, socialisation et vie familiale dans les cabinets d’audit et d’expertise“ [Women’s careers. Identiy, Socialization and family life in the accounting firms], Vuibert Editions, Paris (2014).
Her work received commendations such as: Faculty Transnational Research Best Conference Paper Award, Best Conference Paper Based on a Dissertation Award, and Best Paper by a Transnational Student Award (Academy of Management, 2012, 2013). Ioana's papers are published in Organization Studies, Human Relations, Harvard Business Review, Critical Perspectives on Accounting and Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal.
Currently, Ioana is working on projects exploring control, identity, temporal experiences, body and compulsive behaviours in knowledge-intensive firms (audit and law firms). More recently, she examines how the COVID-19 pandemic shapes work in audit firms and hospital settings.
Ioana is interested in supervising PhD students on the above-mentioned research themes.