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Professeur adjoint, hydrodynamique côtière et fluviale, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)

Jacob Stolle est professeur adjoint en hydrodynamique côtière et fluviale à l'Institut national de la recherche scientifique Eau Terre Environnement. Il s'intéresse particulièrement à la résilience des communautés côtières et fluviales face aux inondations et à l'érosion. Les environnements côtiers et fluviaux remplissent une série de fonctions importantes, notamment la protection contre les inondations et la stabilisation des côtes. Ils ont également une valeur récréative, environnementale et économique. Avec le changement climatique et l'urbanisation, ces environnements sont de plus en plus menacés.

Le principal objectif de son programme de recherche est de comprendre les contraintes qui pèsent sur les environnements côtiers et fluviaux et la façon dont ces environnements fonctionnent suite aux interventions humaines destinées à protéger les communautés locales.
Jacob Stolle is an assistant professor in Coastal and Fluvial Hydrodynamics at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique Eau Terre Environnement. He is particularly interested in the resilience of coastal and riverside communities to flooding and erosion. Coastal and fluvial environments perform a range of important functions, including flood protection and coastal stabilization. They also have recreational, environmental, and economic value. With climate change and urbanization, these environments are increasingly threatened.

The main goal of his research program is to understand the constraints on coastal and fluvial environments and how these environments operate as a result of human interventions designed to protect local communities.


  • 2020–present
    Research assistant professor, INRS ETE


  • 2019 
    University of Ottawa in cotutelle with TU Braunschweig, PhD in Civil Engineering
  • 2016 
    University of Ottawa, Masters of Applied Science in Civil Engineering
  • 2014 
    University of Guelph, Bachelors of Engineering in Environmental Engineering


  • 2021
    Numerical modelling of flow-debris interaction during extreme hydrodynamic events with DualSPHysics-Chrono., Applied Science
  • 2021
    Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Tsunami Run-up Flow in the Built Environment, Coastal Engineering Journal
  • 2020
    The 2018 Sulawesi tsunami in Palu City as a result of several landslides and coseismic tsunamis. , Coastal Engineering Journal
  • 2020
    Physical Modelling of Arctic Coastlines – Progress and Limitations., Water
  • 2020
    Multiple Debris Impact Loads in Extreme Hydrodynamic Conditions. , Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering
  • 2020
    Experimental Investigation of Idealized Debris Dams in Steady Flow Conditions. , Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
  • 2019
    Development of a Probabilistic Framework for Debris Transport and Hazard Assessment in Tsunami-Like Flow Conditions. , Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering.
  • 2018
    Experimental Investigation of Debris Damming Loads under Transient Supercritical Flow Conditions, Coastal Engineering
  • 2018
    Numerical Modelling of Coastal Inundation from Cascadia Subduction Zone Tsunamis and Implications for Coastal Communities on Western Vancouver Island, Natural Hazards
  • 2018
    Debris Impact Forces on Flexible Structures in Extreme Hydrodynamic Conditions, Journal of Fluids and Structures
  • 2017
    Probabilistic Investigation and Risk Assessment of Debris Transport in Extreme Hydrodynamic Conditions, Journal of Waterways, Port, Ocean, and Coastal Engineering

Grants and Contracts

  • 2022
    Developing a model to assess the erosion of permafrost coastlines in Northern Canada
    Principal Investigator
    Funding Source:
    Fonds de Recherche du Québec Nature et Technologies
  • 2022
    Solution mixte Végétalisée contre l’Érosion des berges induite par les vagues de Batillage : retour d’expériences, Innovation et Matériaux
    Funding Source:
    Reseau Québec Maritime
  • 2021
    Performance of nature-based solutions (NBS) for protection against coastal erosion
    Principal Investigator
    Funding Source:
    National Research Council Canada
  • 2021
    Physical modelling of Canadian coastal salt marshes
    Principal Investigator
    Funding Source:
    Fonds de Recherche du Québec Nature et Technologies
  • 2021
    Approches statistiques pour l’estimation de l’indice de risque de l’érosion côtière
    Funding Source:
    Ministry of Transport Quebec
  • 2020
    Nature-Inspired Design – Improving Coastal Resilience through Biomimicry
    Principal Investigator
    Funding Source:
    Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Professional Memberships

  • Canadian Society of Civil Engineers