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Articles on Alice Munro

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Aubree Erickson, Heather Marie Annis, Ellen Denny and Siobhan O’Malley star in a 2021 production of ‘Post Alice,’ by playwright Taylor Marie Graham. The play is also being mounted at the Alice Munro Festival of the Short Story. (Claire Scott, York Lane Art Collective)

Alice Munro wrote a 1970s play in southwestern Ontario — and continues to inspire regional theatre

After Alice Munro’s recent passing, a 2021 play, ‘Post Alice,’ celebrates the author’s focus on Southwestern Ontario women’s stories. It will be performed on the Blyth Festival Theatre stage.
Julie Christie and Gordon Pinsent in Away from Her (2006), based on Alice Munro’s short story, The Bear Came Over the Mountain. IMDB

Friday essay: love in the time of incontinence – why young people don’t have the monopoly on love, or even sex

Love and intimacy are valuable for wellbeing at every age. But for older people, especially those in aged care, intimacy can be complicated. Carol Lefevre explores, through real life and fiction.
Master of the short story: Alice Munro. Julien Behal/PA

Alice Munro Nobel a victory for the neglected short story

The announcement of Alice Munro as 2013’s winner of the Nobel Prize for literature marks the high point in the 82-year old writer’s long career, but also a significant recognition for the form with which…

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