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Articles on colonial statues

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Shoes are placed at the base of the vandalized Egerton Ryerson statue at Ryerson University in Toronto. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

Ryerson’s reputational crisis: What to do about its namesake and his legacy

Discussions on the renaming of Ryerson University must prioritize the public interest and meet the collective responsibility to engage with Canada’s history of Indigenous oppression.
Artist Joi T. Arcand explains ‘Never Surrender,’ ‘translates a …1980s Canadian pop song into the Cree language and recontextualiz[es] the lyrics as an anthem of Indigenous sovereignty.’ Here, the image layered over a photo of a Winnipeg sidewalk. (Noor)

Nuit Blanche Toronto goes virtual to change how people see art and public space

Both the COVID-19 pandemic and urgent debates around public heritage and monuments shape how Nuit Blanche Toronto is seeking to engage artists and viewers in remapping cities.

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