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Articles on Prehistory

Displaying 1 - 20 of 29 articles

The collective tomb at Bréviandes les Pointes, near Troyes, where all the skeletons have had their genomes sequenced. INRAP

A 4,500-year-old collective tomb in France reveals its secret – the final stage in the formation of the European genome

A new study reveals the final stage in the formation of the European genome, which is still present in today’s Europeans.
The Copper Age settlement of Pietrele, close to the river Danube in today’s Romania. © Konstantin Scheele, German Archaeological Institute, Eurasia Department; published in Penske et al. 2023

Ancient DNA reveals the earliest evidence of the last massive human migration to Western Europe

Ancient DNA from Ukraine uncovers the earliest evidence of the arrival of the ‘steppe ancestry’ – the last piece of the modern Western European genetic puzzle.
To test the ballistic properties of the stone points found in the Mandrin cave, modern duplicates were created and hafted on to shafts, as they may have been 54,000 years ago. Laure Metz, Ludovic Slimak

The earliest modern humans in Europe mastered bow-and-arrow technology 54,000 years ago

In 2022 we detailed the discovery of 1,500 stone points in France’s Madrin cave. Experiments now show that they could were used as arrowheads, pushing back evidence of archery in Eurasia by 40,000 years.
Artwork in the Djourab desert, Chad, gives a taste of how our oldest ancestors got around. Sabine Riffaut, Guillaume Daver, Franck Guy / Palevoprim / CNRS – Université de Poitiers / MPFT

Breakthrough shows humans were already standing on their own two feet 7 million years ago

New research shows our oldest ancestors were able to walk as well as evolve in trees.
Footprints, preserved in solidified ash, hint at human behavior from as long as 19,000 years ago. Cynthia Liutkus-Pierce

Prehistoric human footprints reveal a rare snapshot of ancient human group behavior

The footprints of over 20 different prehistoric people, pressed into volcanic ash thousands of years ago in Tanzania, show possible evidence for sexual division of labor in this ancient community.
Did ancient Egyptian parents worry their kids might get addicted to this game, called senet? Keith Schengili-Roberts/Wikimedia Commons

Games blamed for moral decline and addiction throughout history

Somewhere between the early Buddhist times and today, worries about game addiction have given way to scientific understanding of the benefits of play, rather than its detriments.

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