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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 11326 - 11350 of 11427 articles

Their child shouldn’t be trapped in the role. Andrew Matthews/PA Wire

It’s a boy – but baby Cambridge deserves choices in life

Not for the first time in our long lives, Prince Charles and I find ourselves on parallel tracks, our first grandchildren born within weeks of each other. I offer him my congratulations, and hope that…
Damien Hirst has always made ripples with his work, but now he’s in too deep. PA

Damien Hirst insults the dignity of the dead

Is it right to use the severed head of a newly dead man as a humourous prop for a photograph? And if such a snap exists is it right to display it in art galleries? A photograph of artist Damien Hirst at…
Shut out: EU states have been banned from any investment in Israeli settlements. Helga Tawil Souri via Creative Commons

EU ban on Israeli settlements could be a game changer

After years of declarations, warnings and internal bickering, the European Union has finally done it. On Friday, Brussels is expected to announce that future agreements between the EU (or any of its member…
A new generation is raising a fist in anger. Gert Bruininkx

An indignant generation is raging around the world

Foundation essay: This article on the indignant generation by Simon Hallsworth, head of the School of Applied Social Sciences at University Campus Suffolk, is part of a series marking the launch of The…
War on drugs: up to 100,000 people have been killed and 26,000 disappeared since 2006. Mateus via Creative Commons

Capture of Zetas boss creates job opportunity for a killer

The capture of Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, the leader of the notorious drug cartel Los Zetas - one of the world’s most dangerous criminal organisations, will provide Enrique Peña Nieto’s Mexican government…
Intimidated: many women feel they have been targeted to drive them out of the political arena. Lorenz Khazaleh via Creative Commons

Sexual violence aims to drive women out of Egyptian politics

Violence against female protesters was a terrifying hallmark of the unrest that led to the fall of the Morsi government. Local NGOs documented more than 100 reports of sexual violence, including rape…
Most people believe that police and politicians have their snouts in the trough. Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Money makes the world go crooked, says watchdog

Tuesday saw the most prominent of the world’s anti-corruption NGOs, Transparency International, announce the results of its 2013 “Global Corruption Barometer”. As ever, the results make interesting reading…
Wrong about migrants, wrong about benefits, wrong about choice of headgear. Torsten Reimer (

British people are wrong about everything: here’s why

People are wildly wrong when we ask them about many aspects of life in Britain, as shown in a new survey by Ipsos MORI for the Royal Statistical Society and King’s College London. We think one in four…
Hard words: is Ed Miliband biting the hand that feeds the Labour Party? PA Wire

Miliband and Labour must reconnect with working class

Ed Miliband’s plan to reform Labour relationship with the union movement has its origins much deeper than the recent Falkirk debacle. Of course, Unite in Falkirk West and 40 other constituency Labour parties…
‘One hand’: Once again it is the military which is calling the shots in Egypt. Zeinab Mohamed via Creative Commons

No change without trauma in Middle East’s political logjam

In the past four weeks, a major political earthquake seems to have hit the Middle East, where three key regional constituencies: Iran, Qatar and Egypt, experienced more or less unexpected changes of leadership…
Stop and search in action. PA

Police are the real stop and search offenders

Most police forces don’t understand how to use their powers of stop and search. The majority of times they use it, they get it wrong - and black people are seven times as likely to be stopped and searched…
Two years ago South Sudanese were partying as the country split from Sudan. Tim Freccia / Enough Project

Little cause for celebration on South Sudan’s birthday

The second anniversary of South Sudan’s independence is overshadowed by the release of the annual State Failure Index by the Fund for Peace, which ranks the country as the world’s fourth most failed state…
Ordinary rendition: Abu Qatada has been returned to Jordan to face trial. Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Qatada saga has eroded our commitment to human rights

Abu Qatada was deported to Jordan from the UK in the early hours of Sunday morning to face terrorism charges. For the British home secretary, Theresa May, it was a triumph in the face of a judiciary which…
Back to the old school with Michael Gove. paul clarke

A contradiction at the heart of Gove’s curriculum

Education Secretary Michael Gove announced yesterday that the National Curriculum for schools in England is to be overhauled, with a new subject structure and lists of content. Gove’s curriculum includes…
In control: army tanks outside the Ministry of Defence, Cairo, June 2012. iPolitics via Creative Commons

‘One hand’, many heads: the role of the army in Egypt

In the wake of the shooting of at least 51 supporters of former president Muhammad Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party is calling for a popular uprising against the generals that…
To the barricades: anti-abortion bill protesters on the march in Ireland. informatique

Opinion shifting, but battle rages in Ireland over abortion

There is a dog fight going on in Ireland. Four politicians from Fine Gael, the main party in government, have been dismissed from the party because they voted against a new bill that will permit abortion…
Andy Murray ponders the heteronormativity of Centre Court. Not enough megapixels

Game, sex, match: the gender politics of Wimbledon

On a weekend like this, tennis stars like Andy Murray are the nation’s biggest stars. In many ways, sportspeople are no different from any other celebrities - be they reality TV stars, rock stars or film…
Julbilation: protesters at Cairo’s Abd El Meniem Ryad Square cheer the news of the fall of Mohamed Morsi. Haleem Elsha'rani via Creative Commons

Egypt: where turmoil comes with the constitution

The military coup in Egypt that ended the reign of the country’s first democratically elected president was, in part, triggered by increasingly large protests of Egyptians who were deeply dissatisfied…
Public interest: many Americans feel that Edward Snowden acted on their behalf. Michael Fleshman via Creative Commons

Patriot games: the odds are stacked against whistleblower Snowden

The debate about whether Edward Snowden is a public interest whistleblower - the “Paul Revere” of the digital age, as his father and lawyer have dubbed him, or a “traitor”, as former vice-president Dick…
Some Egyptians protest, some just hope for a better life. TiTaN Jad

Egyptians soldier on as Cairo wakes to a post-coup world

When I took a walk past Cairo University this morning, the tanks were still there, while the Islamist camp were continuing their sit-in, though with strongly reduced numbers. At around 5.30pm the night…