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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 2326 - 2350 of 11558 articles

Patriarch Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, takes part in a service at Vladimirskaya Gorka in Kyiv in July 2012, part of anniversary celebrations of the christening of the country known as Kyivan Rus by its grand prince Vladimir I in 988AD. Reuters/Alamy

The Russian victim myth: here’s the history behind it

Vladamir Putin’s version of Russian history portrays his country as a victim – a historian examines the evidence.
Allies? Or client and patron: Belarus president, Alexandr Lukashenko, and Russian president, Vladimir Putin, after Kremlin talks in February 2022. EPA-EFE/Sergey Guneev/Sputnik/Kremlin pool

Ukraine: the complex calculations that will decide whether Belarus enters the conflict on Russia’s side

Belarus president Alexandr Lukashenko has a difficult decision to make if he wants to help his ally Vladimir Putin in Ukraine.