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Articles on Abortion

Displaying 261 - 280 of 398 articles

Half of women seeking second and third-trimester abortions do so because of foetal abnormalities. Sasha Freemind

Here’s why there should be no gestational limits for abortion

If NSW decriminalises abortion, women will be able to access a termination up to 22 weeks’ gestation. But such cut-offs are arbitrary and should be abandoned.
Screenshot from ‘Maude’s Dilemma.’ Amazon Prime Video

A concise history of the US abortion debate

Abortion has been a huge political issue in the US for the last 50 years. But the abortion debate is not new. It began at least a century before landmark abortions rights decision Roe v. Wade.
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signing a bill that virtually outlaws abortion in the state. Hal Yeager/Alabama Governor's Office via AP

Women have been the heart of the Christian right for decades

Conservative Christian women have played key roles in the anti-abortion movement for decades, but their contributions are often overlooked in language that focuses on men.
American actress Alissa Milano has called for women to go on a “sex strike” to protest draconian abortion laws recently introduced in the US state of Georgia. Shutterstock

Why a ‘sex strike’ is unlikely to improve access to abortion

At best, this ‘debate’ is a distraction from political action that could truly make a difference. At worst, it actively reproduces some of the conditions it seeks to disrupt.
A medical abortion is induced with medication, while a surgical abortion is performed with instruments in a clinic or hospital operating theatre. JGA/Shutterstock

It’s time to lift the restrictions on medical abortion in Australia

The medical abortion drug mifepristone has been available in Australian for the past 13 years but it’s still out of reach for many women who decide to terminate their pregnancy.
Women and men sitting with baby carriages in 1916 in front of The Sanger Clinic in Brooklyn, considered the first Planned Parenthood clinic. New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection/Library of Congress

Trump and Pence turning back progress on access to birth control and a woman’s right to choose

The Trump administration’s proposal to block federally funded organizations from providing comprehensive reproductive health care will deprive millions of people access to sexual health services.
Because male migrants earn more money to send back home than females, families in some post-communist countries are strongly tempted to use sex-selective abortion to improve their lives. Johann Walter Bantz/Unsplash

Breeding young men for export in poor countries

Breeding young men for export has never been a successful economic development strategy. Policies that improve local labour market opportunities could increase the status of women.
Participants in Melbourne’s International Women’s day rally in Melbourne marched from the State Library to Parliament House. Ellen Smith/AAP

Australia’s performance on gender equality – are we fair dinkum?

From the prime minister’s public comments to Australia’s diplomatic behaviour, there is considerable room for improvement if we are to be “fair dinkum” about gender equality.
A billboard built by sex education advocates outside Mexico’s National Population Council office, in Mexico City, warns that ‘being a mother is not child’s play.’ (May 29, 2014) AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

Abortions rise worldwide when US cuts funding to women’s health clinics, study finds

The White House will expand a law that cuts funding to abortion providers abroad. When the Bush-era ‘global gag rule’ was last in effect, abortion rates tripled in Latin America and doubled in Africa.
Beauty can mean more opportunities – but can it also influence values? Nataliass/

How being beautiful influences your attitudes toward sex

Beautiful people tend to lead more charmed lives. Could their attractiveness also color their views on issues like abortion, premarital sex and gay marriage?
Women in Mexico City carry a banner reading “Legal and safe abortion across Mexico” during the commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (November 25, 2018). Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP

Is the future of abortion online?

While the abortion debate continues worldwide, even in countries where it has long been legal, new drugs and telemedicine services could provide access to safe abortion beyond borders and laws.
Ontario PC leadership candidate Tanya Granic Allen arrives to participate in a debate in Ottawa in February 2018. Granic Allen was supported by the Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), and the organization said it recruited more than 9,000 PC memberships in support of her campaign to became the premier of Ontario. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

From America to Ontario: The political impact of the Christian right

Christian right groups in Canada may not have the same resources as their American counterparts. They are, nonetheless, attracting supporters by borrowing some U.S. tactics.

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