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Articles on Dementia

Displaying 281 - 300 of 410 articles

Family members often become primary caregivers for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease. tonkid/

The two obstacles that are holding back Alzheimer’s research

The first clinical trial examining a drug to treat Alzheimer’s was begun 30 years ago. There is still no cure and no known way to prevent the disease. Two factors may contribute to that.
Medical assistance in dying has been legal in Canada since July 2016, but there are no ‘specialists’ responsible for doctor-assisted suicide and many doctors are overwhelmed with requests. (Shutterstock)

Who will be the doctors of death in a time of assisted suicide?

More than 2,000 Canadians have chosen medical assistance in dying (MAID) since legalization in 2016. But palliative care doctors aren’t embracing assisted suicide as part of their job.
Creating a ‘digital story’ of their memories using photos, music, text and video, can hep dementia patients open up to their fear and move into optimism. (Shutterstock)

Digital life stories spark joy in people with dementia

When dementia patients use photos and music to produce digital stories about events in their lives, they start to remember. They also face their fears about the disease, and experience happiness.

Why are we so afraid of dementia?

A society which values people with dementia is one that values people in general – something we should be running towards, not away from.
Growing patient demands, paperwork and workplace stress take their toll on health-care providers. (Shutterstock)

Stressed? Running on empty? It’s not compassion fatigue

The myth of compassion fatigue suggests that compassion is a finite resource. The reality is that health-care providers are over-worked and need better institutional support.
Brain connections determine whether you remember the wind in your hair or who was prime minister. Halfpoint/Shutterstock

How we discovered that brain connections shape memories

Neuroscientists have struggled to explain whether certain types of memory involve distinct parts of the brain. Now a study suggests it’s mainly down to pathways in the brain’s white matter.
Friendship helps protect against loneliness even when oldsters do not have dementia. It can be especially beneficial for those who do. sirtravelalot/

How being friends with someone who has dementia can be good for you both

A recent study finds that friends ought not let friends with dementia be lonely. The surprising part? Why staying friends is good for the friend without dementia as well as for the one who has it.
There’s an urgent need for a new ethic of dementia care that supports the facilitation of sexual expression. (Shutterstock)

A new way to think about dementia and sex

The sexuality of persons living with dementia is demonized by media and ignored by clinical guidelines. But sexuality is fundamental to being human and vital to a humane culture of residential care.
A hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease is gradual deterioration of memory. Roman Kraft/Unsplash

What causes Alzheimer’s disease? What we know, don’t know and suspect

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, but treatments are still far from successful in clinical trials. Here is what we know about the disease, and what is yet to be uncovered.
Medical panels are constantly lowering thresholds across many diseases, which results in more and more healthy people being diagnosed as sick. José Martín/Unsplash

How to rein in the widening disease definitions that label more healthy people as sick

More of us are labelled as sick with the constantly changing diagnostic cut-offs for diseases. Now an international expert panel has drafted a list of things to consider before setting new thresholds.

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