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Articles on Digital economy

Displaying 481 - 500 of 812 articles

Now for lot 56: a rare collection of Graham’s angry emails to his ex-girlfriend. portableantiquities

Dutch student sells his data for €350 but at what price privacy?

A dutch student has taken the bold decision to sell all his data at auction. It’s a decision that should make us think about the future of our own information. In an auction on April 12, Shawn Buckles…
Look, I know we’re not really talking right now but could I possibly borrow a tenner? ejbSF

Hand out money with my mobile? I think I’m ready

A service is soon to launch in the UK that will enable us to transfer money to other people using just their name and mobile number. Paym is being hailed as a revolution in banking because you can pay…
Sleeping on the plane is no jet lag cure. Edward Simpson

Mathematicians develop new app to put jet lag to bed

Jet lag is a discomfort many of us will have experienced in the days following a long-haul flight across time zones. Mathematicians in the US may have a jet-lag cure in the form a new app called Entrain…
If only it were this straightforward. Alias 0591

Hard Evidence: how does false information spread online?

Last summer the World Economic Forum (WEF) invited its 1,500 council members to identify top trends facing the world, including what should be done about them. The WEF consists of 80 councils covering…
Take a duster to your password collection. It’s as good a time as any. Karen Blakeman

Don’t panic about Heartbleed but have a spring clean anyway

The web is full of scare stories about the Heartbleed security vulnerability but panicking won’t help. Better to use this situation as an opportunity to clean up our acts. Few of us do it but we should…
Don’t break your heart over this issue but stay secure. Optx

Explainer: should you change your password after Heartbleed?

If you’re struggling to understand the deluge of information about the Heartbleed vulnerability, you’re not alone. Some reports tell us to change all our online passwords immediately, others warn us that…
Will your smartwatch contain graphene? Samsung thinks so. Kārlis Dambrāns

Samsung heats up wearable tech race with graphene wafers

Samsung has had a mixed relationship with wearable technology to date but an announcement this week may put it ahead of the crowd. The South Korean firm made an early bid on the market with smartwatches…
Amazon data centres like these power the internet. Eric Hunsaker

The key to a green internet lies beyond Amazon’s data centres

Environmental group Greenpeace has slammed Amazon for its environmental practices in its latest report on the green credentials of the technology industry. Greenpeace is concerned that Amazon Web services…
You want to see what’s in my trolley? What’s in it for me? Alan

The next internet revolution brings data to the market

Every day, our lives are being captured digitally in the data that is generated by our transactions, interactions and movements. And as we become more connected through the internet of things, even more…
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak both dabbled in hacking. thetaxhaven

Berkeley Blue and Oaf Tobar: the hackers inside your iPhone

There is some controversy about what we mean by the word “hacker”. Historically, and as far back as the 1960s, a hacker was someone who was an expert programmer. But today, it is a word generally used…
Oh hi Dad, can you put Mum on? nan palermo

Oculus Rift brings a whole new dimension to communication

Mark Zuckerberg’s latest spending spree has landed Facebook an exciting new gadget in the form of the Oculus Rift, a virtual reality headset that is used by gamers and researchers alike to enhance encounters…

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