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Articles on Digital economy

Displaying 781 - 800 of 812 articles

Wanna take down a casino? DEF CON minglers swap tips. vissago

Hack the mini bar, spot the feds, DEF CON is back

Why would thousands of people flock to Las Vegas, right in the middle of summer, when temperatures easily reach the high thirties, to shut themselves up in one of Sin City’s largest hotels without spending…
BT is the new player. Nick Potts/PA

Kick off for BT’s big bet on television sport

Premier League fans will find their viewing experience complicated by the arrival of BT Sport this season, and there has been much public scrutiny of who will screen which matches and for how much. On…
An old sign, or the future of the internet? mikecogh

War on web porn obscures wider sexualisation of teens

Can we really separate a “nice” internet from a “bad” internet? That appears to be the thinking behind David Cameron’s statements foreshadowing the introduction of “porn filters” and search engine roadblocks…
Portrait helps keep the good times alive for dementia patients. leakytr8

The technology that remembers the past for those who can’t

Care homes in Scotland are taking on a new type of technology to help improve the service they give to residents, particularly those suffering from dementia. With the help of digital portraits, staff can…
You might want to forget that picture, but the internet won’t. Miia Ranta

The internet will never forget you … if you’re British

Justice ministers from across Europe sat down in Brussels yesterday to discuss some tricky issues for internet privacy, one of the most controversial of which was the right to be forgotten. After the NSA…
Defeating piracy is harder than law enforcement agencies would like to think. spieri_sf

A battle has been won, but the war on piracy is far from over

According to a new Ipsos report, piracy in Norway has declined markedly over the past few years. In 2008 they estimated there were 1.2 billion illegal downloads of songs, but by 2012 this had dropped to…
Cancer cells face a new, tiny enemy. Dr Cecil Fox

Sticking it to big pharma with crowdfunded nanotech

Students at the University of York are challenging what they see as the closed worlds of nanotechnology and healthcare by crowdsourcing funds to produce a new type of treatment for cancer using magnetic…
Covering your ears won’t protect you from bone conduction advertising. Markus Kison

Getting brands into brains using bone conduction

Just when you thought it was safe to have a nap on a train, the window you’re resting your head on might try to sell you a new app, skin cream or tickets to the theatre. Sky Deutschland has announced a…
Moving with the times. Mobile phones are a vital tool in African banking. whiteafrican

Bitcoin fuels Africa’s banking revolution

Bitcoin has landed in Kenya. The online currency that was, until recently, the preserve of tech entrepreneurs and only the most pioneering financiers, is to go mainstream in Nairobi while the rest of us…
Exciting times for school kids. Lupuca

Keep it creative to get kids into coding

A new subject is to be introduced in England to kick start our technological future. Instead of teaching ICT, the national curriculum published this week calls on schools to teach computing. This new way…
Very good Miss, but how do I print a gun? RiAus

Are you ready for your child, the 3D printing genius?

In his new National Curriculum for schools in England, announced this week, Education Secretary Michael Gove pledged to modernise design and technology education. This is thought to include introducing…
Hacker to mastercrook by way of HMP Pentonville. DFectuoso

Locking up hackers could do more harm than good

Following an agreement in the European Parliament on the 4th July, EU countries are to strengthen their domestic laws against the more serious forms of cyber-crime. We can now expect to see prison sentences…
Analysis of Twitter timing can catch robots red-handed. Flickr: Arthur40A

Human, group or robot? It’s a matter of timing on Twitter

A recent study of Twitter communication patterns has revealed that human activity on Twitter is easily distinguishable from other types of users. By analysing the timing of tweets, we were able to discover…
Still waiting to load the hamster dance… Scorpians and Centaurs

Out of town, out of the loop: rural areas need broadband

The National Audit Office has warned that the government is two years behind schedule in its plan to bring broadband to 44 rural areas by 2015. It now looks like only nine of these areas will be linked…
Regrets may lie ahead in the switch to the universal credit. Karl Ludwig G Poggemann

Digital welfare only deepens the class divide

The introduction of the universal credit will change the face of benefit and welfare services for families all over the country. By making assumptions about digital literacy levels, the government is putting…
Huawei has many critics to face before becoming a trusted partner in the UK. Huawei Press

Huawei-Imperial plan renews Chinese cyber-security fears

In a memorandum of understanding signed this week, Imperial College London signed up to working with controversial communications technology firm Huawei. The two have set plans in motion to run a joint…
MOOCs aren’t the answer to all higher education’s questions. Kanaka Menehune

MOOCs and the battle to open up higher education

Foundation essay: This article on the rise of massive open online courses by Martin Weller, Professor of Educational Technology at The Open University, is part of a series marking the launch of The Conversation…
Where can I plug in my laptop? Courtrooms are due a digital makeover Fayerollinson

Paper-hungry courts put on digital diet

The UK courts are to be dragged into the 21st century with a £160 million investment to help them go digital. Announcing its plans, the Ministry of Justice revealed that the courts get through a staggering…
Cyber-snooping is a threat to knowledge as well as privacy. EPA/Guardian/Glenn Greenwald

Not as glamorous as NSA snooping, but IP theft is a real threat

While Edward Snowden sits in a Russian airport, the repercussions of the NSA scandal are being felt far and wide. But while headlines warn us about personal data and privacy, an even more sinister threat…

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