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Articles on India

Displaying 401 - 420 of 1042 articles

Women in Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh neighborhood are protesting a new Indian citizenship law that they say will discriminate against Muslims, women – and, particularly, Muslim women. Burhaan Kinu/Hindustan Times via Getty Images

Indian women protest new citizenship laws, joining a global ‘fourth wave’ feminist movement

A round-the-clock strike of Muslim women in a working-class neighborhood of Delhi is India’s most enduring pocket of resistance to religious discrimination, inequality and gender violence.
2000 million women have undergone female genital mutilation and millions more are at risk each year. Getty Images

Why it’s so difficult to end female genital mutilation

An estimated 2000 million women have undergone female genital mutilation and millions more are at risk. The practice is carried out mainly for cultural and economic reasons.
The United Nations predicts the world will be home to nearly 10 billion people by 2050 – making global greenhouse emission cuts ever more urgent. NASA/Joshua Stevens

As Earth’s population heads to 10 billion, does anything Australians do on climate change matter?

To be clear, I’m not advocating compulsory population control, here or anywhere. But we do need to consider a future with billions more people, many of them aspiring to live as Australians do now.
Indian students of Jamia Millia Islamia University shout slogans as they march during a protest, in New Delhi, India, Dec. 18, 2019. AP Photo/Altaf Qadri

Why is Indian Prime Minister Modi attacking student protesters?

Indian student protests suggest Indian universities have successfully educated youth to participate and lead in public life. For exercising this right, students have been beaten and detained.
Protests have engulfed Assam since the National Register of Citizens was published in August 2019. They have intensified since the Citizenship Amendment Act was passed by the parliament. Central security forces, pictured here, have been sent in to repress the spontaneous protests by different citizens groups. (Arunabh Saikia)

New laws weaponize citizenship in India

India has been working to expel or repress Muslim minorities. Nearly two million residents of India’s eastern state of Assam are at risk of losing citizenship.
Activists and local volunteers meet and console Assamese villagers who might have lost their Indian citizenship. Anuradha Sen Mookerjee

In India’s Assam, a solidarity network has emerged to help those at risk of becoming stateless

As new citizenship law will further discriminate against people on religious basis in India’s north-eastern Assam, local activists are uniting across the region to help distressed residents.
In India, dark skin is often associated with poverty, partially due to the hierarchichal caste system. Shutterstock

Being darker makes being a migrant much harder

For migrants, prejudice can be a life and death matter. Research in India and South Africa shows life is considerably harder if migrants have a darker skin and come from a poorer country.
All voting-age Indians may soon be asked to submit government-issued ID to prove citizenship. That may be a challenge for women, religious minorities and members of oppressed castes. AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar Singh

India’s plan to identify ‘illegal immigrants’ could get some Muslims declared ‘foreign’

Many women, Muslims and members of oppressed castes in India lack government-issued ID. Yet these documents may soon be required to prove their citizenship.

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