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Articles on Indigenous history

Displaying 21 - 40 of 91 articles

Afrofuturist’s work is rooted in the desire to transform the present for Black people. Here actor Mouna Traoré in ‘Brown Girl Begins’ (2017) directed by Sharon Lewis set in a post-apocalyptic version of Toronto. Urbansoul Inc

Afrofuturism and its possibility of elsewhere: The power of political imagination

Afrofuturist’s work is rooted in the desire to transform the present for Black people. To do so, they imagine a reality in which Black people are the agents of their own story, countering histories that discount and dismiss them.
An aerial view of an Aboriginal stone arrangement in the Channel Country of Central Australia. Such arrangements may be associated with initiation ceremonies and exchange of marriage partners, as well as trade. The main structure is around 30 metres long. Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation

Friday essay: how our new archaeological research investigates Dark Emu’s idea of Aboriginal ‘agriculture’ and villages

We have found 140 quarry sites, where rock was excavated to make seed grinding stones, in the Channel Country of Central Australia. It’s part of a major project testing Bruce Pascoe’s hypothesis.
Jacob Junior Nayinggul (left) and Simon Baker in High Ground (2020). Maxo, Bunya Productions, Savage Films

How historically accurate is the film High Ground? The violence it depicts is uncomfortably close to the truth

In depicting brutal massacres and mission life, this film gets a lot right. And the model for its central protagonist may well be a young man called Narlim, exiled from his country in the late 1930s.
Darug women Leanne Watson, Rhiannon Wright and Jasmine Seymour at Dorumbolooa. Avryl Whitnall

Friday essay: how a long-lost list is helping us remap Darug place names and culture on Dyarubbin, the Hawkesbury River

It was once thought the Aboriginal names for the Hawkesbury had been lost forever. But after a remarkable find in the Mitchell Library, almost 100 place names will be restored to Dyarubbin Country.
Delegates from 34 Native tribes at the Creek Council House in Indian Territory, now called Oklahoma, 1880. National Archives

Oklahoma is – and always has been – Native land

The Supreme Court’s July 9 ruling that half of Oklahoma belongs to the Muscogee Nation confirms what Indigenous people already knew: North America is ‘Indian Country.’
For centuries, indigenous history has been largely told through a European lens. John White, circa 1585-1593, © The Trustees of the British Museum

Archaeologists have a lot of dates wrong for North American indigenous history – but we’re using new techniques to get it right

Modern dating techniques are providing new time frames for indigenous settlements in Northeast North America, free from the Eurocentric bias that previously led to incorrect assumptions.
Punta Ventana, a popular tourist attraction near Guayanilla, Puerto Rico, before and after the Jan. 6 earthquake. AFP/Getty/Wikipedia

Puerto Rico earthquakes imperil island’s indigenous heritage

Puerto Rico was once home to about 110,000 Taínos, an indigenous people decimated by the Spanish conquest. Their ancient homeland was located in the area hit hard by recent earthquakes.
Some of the key points in the Uluru Statement mirror demands first made in the 1920s, including genuine Aboriginal self-determination and an Aboriginal board to sit under the Commonwealth government. James Ross/AAP

The Voice to Parliament isn’t a new idea - Indigenous activists called for it nearly a century ago

The Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association, founded in 1924, made several demands to protect Indigenous rights, including installing an Aboriginal board to sit beneath the federal government.
Adam Goodes in The Australian Dream: in the film he talks of finding an identity in football and with The Sydney Swans. Melbourne International Film Festival

The Australian Dream is must-see for lovers of football and this country

A new film chronicling the impact of racism on Indigenous football star Adam Goodes is both a damning and hopeful portrait of contemporary Australia.

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