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Articles on Medicine

Displaying 161 - 180 of 288 articles

James Young Simpson’s Caesarian forceps, Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. Stephencdickson/Wikipedia

How forceps permanently changed the way humans are born

Childbirth used to be a terrifying ordeal. But women were surrounded by others – mothers, aunts, sisters – who brought love and experience. But midway through the 19th century, this changed.
Alfred Nobel made his fortune through the invention of dynamite. Paramonov Alexander/

Discovery of how cells sense oxygen levels earns Nobel Prize

Oxygen is vital for life, so much so that cells can sense when there isn’t enough and adapt almost instantly. So how do they do it? The winners of the 2019 Nobel Prize for Physiology figured it out.
Low blood pressure may cause problems for many older people. Satyrenko/

Low blood pressure could be a culprit in dementia, studies suggest

Researchers are looking for ways to determine who’s most at risk for dementia and also ways to detect it early. A scientist who has studied low blood pressure makes a case for a link between the two.
Candida auris fungi, is becoming resistant to many anti fungal drugs. Kateryna Kon/

Why does the CDC want us to ‘Think Fungus’?

When people get sick, they often suspect bacteria and viruses as the cause. But now the CDC is asking physicians and patients to consider another culprit: fungi.
Bill Maher suggests that fat-shaming may help people lose weight. Randy Miramontez/

Why Bill Maher is wrong about fat-shaming

Fat-shaming is as ineffective as it is cruel. The bullying tactic also ignores the biological factors underlying obesity, which are not always under a person’s control.
An engraving of a heart.

Could a toilet seat help prevent hospital readmissions?

Nearly half of patients with congestive heart failure who are hospitalized and then discharged end up back in the hospital within 90 days. Could a toilet seat help prevent this from occurring?
Currently, stem cell based treatments are still mostly experimental, and while some results are encouraging, several clinical trials have failed. (Shutterstock)

Stem cell treatments: Miracle cures or dangerous experiments?

Stem cells show much promise, both for testing drugs and for treating disease. But the hype around them has been dangerous, as most treatments are in very experimental stages and can cause harm.
Inhaling mist contaminated with Legionella pneumophila can lead to Legionnaires’ disease. Denis Klimov 3000/

Why are people still dying from Legionnaires’ disease?

A woman recently died from Legionnaires’ disease at an Atlanta hotel. Why? The cause is known and the disease is largely preventable. Yet the number of cases in the US continue to rise.

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