The net zero approach of the Paris agreement has become detached from reality as it increasingly relies on science fiction levels of speculative technology.
Business growth and cutting emissions don’t always go hand in hand. Airlines and other companies may need to rethink their business models to achieve a low-carbon transition.
Modelling finds the economic impacts of current emissions reduction commitments are limited for countries not heavily dependent on fossil fuel exports.
Global temperatures have averaged at least 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than preindustrial times for over a year. Two scientists explain what that means and what humanity can do.
Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy Ted O'Brien, who has spearheaded the Coalition's Nuclear Energy plans joins us today to talk about the plan and Australia's energy market.
The Coalition’s pledge to build seven nuclear reactors poses serious questions about whether this nation can meet its international climate obligations.
A member of Australia’s Climate Change Authority, Lesley Hughes, explains what this body does – in light of high profile NSW politician Matt Kean’s appointment to the top job this week.
The government’s priorities are shifting towards adaptation to protect communities, jobs and industries. But the longer we wait to cut emissions, the more the costs of climate change will compound.
Dutton on Tuesday reaffirmed the opposition was committed to the net zero by 2050 target but said they would only announce its medium term emission reduction targets after the next election.
Offsetting greenhouse gas emissions can be an effective tool for limiting global warming. But many offset projects fail to meet their GHG reduction targets.
Cement and fossil fuel production has reached unprecedented levels, with most of the emission growth traceable to a relatively small number of companies.
Carbon pricing can be a powerful tool to combat climate change and reduce emissions, but it needs to be accompanied by improved regulations, clean technology subsidies and financing mechanisms.
Australia supported a phase-out of fossil fuels at the recent UN climate summit but is still expanding coal and gas production. It’s a contradiction that threatens the planet. There is a better way.