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Articles on Significant Terms

Displaying 61 - 76 of 76 articles

Experts estimate that close to 90% of the U.S. population must be vaccinated to reach herd immunity for COVID-19. David McNew/AFP via Getty Images

What is herd immunity? A public health expert and a medical laboratory scientist explain

Vaccination campaigns like the ones that eventually eliminated polio and measles in the United States required decades of education and awareness in order to achieve herd immunity in the U.S. population.
Tiny changes, like a butterfly’s wing flapping, can be amplified downstream in a chaotic system. Catherine Falls Commercial/Moment via Getty Images

What is chaos? A complex systems scientist explains

Part of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for work modeling Earth’s climate using its chaotic, complex weather. To scientists, chaos lies in the gray zone between randomness and predictability.
Craigslist founder Craig Newmark donates millions of dollars to journalism schools as well as other causes. Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation

What’s a major donor? A fundraising expert explains

How much money it takes to attain this status varies according to the size of the nonprofit getting the gift.
A late 19th-early 20th century painting by Abbas Al-Musavi depicting the Battle of Karbala, which occurred in 680. Gift of K. Thomas Elghanayan in honor of Nourollah Elghanayan, Photo: Brooklyn Museum

What is the Islamic New Year? A scholar of religion explains

The Islamic New Year marks the first day of Muharram, a sacred month of prayer and annual reflection.
It’s not you; many e-commerce websites are difficult to use by design. fizkes/iStock via Getty Images

What are dark patterns? An online media expert explains

Deceptively labeled buttons, choices that are hard to undo, web designs that hide options – these dark patterns are how some websites trick people into giving up their money and information.
HIPAA allows you to control disclosure of certain types of personal health information. Heath Korvola/DigitalVision via Getty Images

What is the HIPAA Privacy Rule? A health law scholar explains

While the HIPAA Privacy Rule prevents health care providers from sharing your health information without your permission, it doesn’t prevent other people from asking you about it.
Many prominent Christians believe in inerrancy, or that the Bible is without error. Godong/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

What is biblical inerrancy? A New Testament scholar explains

The doctrine of inerrancy likely took shape during the 19th and 20th centuries in the United States, in response to the rise of liberalism within Christianity.
Virgin Galactic’s Unity VSS spacecraft went on a suborbital test flight in May 2021. VIrgin Galactic

What’s a suborbital flight? An aerospace engineer explains

Both Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin are sending spacecrafts – and their billionaire founders – into suborbital flight. But what differentiates a suborbital flight from a trip around Earth?
A ‘100-year flood’ doesn’t mean you’ll be flood-free for the next 99 years. Win McNamee/Getty Images

What’s a 100-year flood? A hydrologist explains

Flood plain statistics can be confusing. There are better ways to think about the risk of severe weather than 100-year storm or flood.

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