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Articles on Social determinants of health

Displaying 101 - 119 of 119 articles

Birth registration is required for many activities throughout a person’s life yet in some states up to 20% of Aboriginal children aren’t registered. Marianna Massey/AAP

Invisible children: research shows up to one in five Aboriginal newborns aren’t registered

Around 20% of Aboriginal births in Western Australia between 1996 and 2012 weren’t registered, new research shows. This has many social and health ramifications for their future.
Good teeth often correlates with good health. But one in five over-65s have lost all their teeth. m01229/Flickr

How to fill the gaps in Australia’s dental health system

An Aussie smile is an instant indicator of socioeconomic status, employability and self-esteem. It’s also a predictor of physical health. So it’s shocking that Australians’ dental health has not improved…
Newly arrived refugees face many obstacles to making healthy food choices. Lucian/Flickr

Resettled refugees adopt Australia’s bad food habits

Refugees settling in Australia constantly face new challenges. They have to re-adjust to new income levels, cultural practices and language. They also face a new food environment, where many traditional…
Life expectancy continues to rise, and years lived with disability decline. Ozgur Coskun/Shutterstock

Australia’s Health 2014 report card: experts respond

Australians have one the longest life expectancies in the world but are living with growing levels of lifestyle-induced chronic illness, according to the latest national health report card. The Australian…
Equity isn’t just a nice idea, it’s also how we create a better society. Richard Potts/Flickr

Why the federal budget is bad for health and worse for society

Despite government claims that the budget would be fair and all Australians would contribute to the “budget rescue job”, reality has not supported these claims. And this is bad news for health and social…
The geographic setting of where you live is important for health in a number of ways. Daniel Pietzsch/Flickr

You are where you live: health, wealth and the built environment

Socioeconomic disadvantage and its impact on where we live and work (and how we get between the two), has enormous implications for health and well-being. But the picture is not as clear cut as many people…
Your socioeconomic status affects your access to quality and affordable education and health care. Andrew Warran/Flickr

How social class affects health

The Conversation is running a series, Class in Australia, to identify, illuminate and debate its many manifestations. Here, Sharon Friel considers the points where class and health interact. The unequal…
Dr Kiran Martin (centre) has been working with New Delhi’s slum dwellers for 25 years. Asha Health & Development Society Photo Archives

In Conversation with Asha founder Dr Kiran Martin

Watch the video of public health professor Rob Moodie interviewing Dr Kiran Martin below. Kiran Martin is the founder of Asha, a community health and development society that works with over 500,000 people…
The lower down the pecking order you are, the greater the stresses associated with everyday living, and worse your health. Travis/Flickr

It’s good to be king: how social status affects health

The traditional view of health is a biomedical one – stop people from getting ill by preventing infection and treating disease. But a growing body of research showing that health is the result of social…
Almost all diseases (as well as social outcomes) show a strong relationship with socioeconomic measures. Shutterstock

Let’s treat the social causes of illness rather than just disease

Fiona Stanley is the director of this year’s Melbourne Festival of Ideas: The Art and Science of Wellbeing, which opens today and continues until October 6, 2013. Here she explains the ethos of the Festival’s…
The growing gap between rich and poor in Australia puts the country on the road to the level of inequality in the United States. Robt Gossard/Flickr

Inequality, health and well-being: time for a national debate

The launch this week of his new book Battlers and Billionaires: The Story Of Inequality in Australia, by parliamentarian and economist Andrew Leigh, raises a question about whether the issue of growing…
Australia ranks 26th out of the 34 OECD countries for child poverty. Anne Roberts

Children’s well-being report captures Australia’s growing inequality

Around one in six Australian children live below the poverty line, according to a report released today by the Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth (ARACY). While the rates have improved…
Legal services in partnership with health-care providers can have a significant impact on the health of disadvantaged people. Secom Bahia

How doctors and lawyers can help vulnerable patients

Medical-legal partnerships have broken down the barriers to accessible legal services for people experiencing health issues in the United States. Such programs demonstrate the health benefits of effective…
Organisational leaders have demanding roles and face intense scrutiny of their performance. Dave 77459/Flickr

The power of control and reducing stress at work

For many, work means stress and as we all know, too much stress can lead to ill health. But research showing that people in positions of power are not very stressed, may hold clues for how workplaces can…

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