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Articles on United States

Displaying 381 - 400 of 963 articles

Perot become a household name after making an independent run for president in 1992. AP Photo/Doug Mills

The ‘giant sucking sound’ of NAFTA: Ross Perot was ridiculed as alarmist in 1992 but his warning turned out to be prescient

As the US prepares to replace NAFTA, a labor scholar who was critical of Perot but shared concerns about the deal revisits the claim that helped him become the most successful third-party candidate since Teddy Roosevelt.
President Harry S Truman established the initial version of the National Intelligence Council. AP Photo

An invisible government agency produces crucial national security intelligence, but is anyone listening?

The National Intelligence Council works inside government but is little understood outside. Yet it has helped respond to almost all the major foreign policy challenges of the last 40 years.
The New IRA apologized for killing investigative journalist Lyra McKee during a riot in Derry. Reuters/Charles McQuillan

Why do rebel groups apologize?

Organizations try to hide mistakes and evade responsibility, studies show. But two scholars analyzing militant and terrorist groups say they are willing to acknowledge their mistakes – sometimes.
Morrison will walk a thin line between Australia’s major ally and its largest trading partner in a Wednesday address on the economic dynamics of the Indo-Pacific region. Richard Wainwright/AAP

Morrison warns of widespread pain if US-China trade tensions are not contained

In a major speech ahead of the G20, Prime Minister Scott Morrison commits to further enhancing Australia’s relationship with China while maintaining its allyship with the United States.
Radiation therapy for ringworm. (Museum of Saint Louis Hospital, Paris, in Gérard Tilles, 'Ringworms and the Ringworm Children at the Hôpital Saint-Louis-From Medical Neglect to Bio-Social Obsession')

A generation of Canadian children was given radiation treatment and never warned of the cancer risks

Many Canadians underwent radiation treatment for benign illnesses in the 1940s and 1950s. There has been no systematic investigation or education campaign to alert those patients to their increased risks of thyroid cancer today.

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