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Ethics + Religion – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 801 - 825 of 1680 articles

Gov. Andy Beshear is in favor of making Kentucky the 21st state to ban conversion therapy. AP Photo/Bryan Woolston

Conversion therapy is discredited and increases risk of suicide – yet fewer than half of US states have bans in place

Kentucky lawmakers are trying to make the state the 21st to enact a ban on conversion therapy. In states that are ‘silent’ on the issue, nonprofessionals are allowed to continue the harmful practice.
Like their ancient ancestors, contemporary Mandaeans revere John the Baptist and consider baptism the most important of their religious rituals. Hadi Mizban/AP

This tiny minority of Iraqis follows an ancient Gnostic religion – and there’s a chance they could be your neighbors too

Mandaeans are followers of ancient Gnostic religion, whose traditional homeland was the region of Iraq and Iran. Today, this small minority lives in many parts of the world, including the US.
Without a formal constitution, Israelis disagree on such basic issues as whether Israel is a Jewish state. Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images

How Israel’s missing constitution deepens divisions between Jews and with Arabs

Governed by a changeable body of ‘basic laws,’ Israel never settled basic questions like the rights of religious minorities. These destabilizing issues will continue to fester under a new government.
Evangelist Billy Graham came to have an enormous influence on American politics and culture. Keystone/ Collections Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Why the legacy of Billy Graham continues to endure: 3 essential reads

A PBS documentary has reinitiated conversations about the influence of Billy Graham. Here are three articles that describe the impact and the enduring legacy of the famed preacher.
Many of the tombs in Japan are elaborately decorated. Nearby visitors can buy flowers, buckets. brooms and other gardening tools to tidy up the graves. John S Lander/LightRocket via Getty Images

Lack of burial space is changing age-old funeral practices, and in Japan ‘tree burials’ are gaining in popularity

In a Japanese tree burial, cremated remains are placed in the ground and a tree is planted over the ashes to mark the gravesite. Environmental responsibility is part of Buddhism.
Students generally become more appreciative of sexual diversity during college. Robert Chiarito/AFP via Getty Images

Students at Catholic colleges leave with less positive attitudes toward gay people than their peers – but that’s not the whole story

A survey of over 3,000 students found that how much students’ appreciation of gay, lesbian and bisexual people increased during college varied by their school’s religious affiliation.