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Rembrandt’s famous painting – commonly known as The Night Watch – doesn’t even take place at night. 'Rembrandt' via

How the painting got its name

The history of the picture title is really a history of the last 300 years.
Should states test homeschoolers? Chiot's Run

Who should monitor homeschooling?

Homeschooling regulations vary from state to state. And loopholes in these regulations could excuse parents from actually reporting the results.
Key player in Paris: Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Denis Balibouse/Reuters

Paris climate summit: why more women need seats at the table

Including more women in international climate negotiations will lead to better results. Here are 15 climate champions already making a difference.
Newly built toilets at Harper transit site in Liberia. Oxfam International/Flickr

Gender equality comes one toilet at a time

While everyone needs access to proper sanitation to stay healthy, for girls and women it is also an issue of safety and equal participation in society.
Palestinian men pray in the Arab East Jerusalem neighborhood of Ras al-amid. Ammar Awad/Reuters

Is Islam incompatible with modernity?

Religion and modernity need not be at odds with one another, and many leading Muslim thinkers are plumbing early texts to promote progressive ideas.
In condemning terrorist attacks in Paris, French president Francois Hollande (center) used the term Da'ish to refer to Islamic State, a deliberate naming change. Reuters

Islamic State versus Da'ish or Daesh? The political battle over naming

The French term for ISIS – known as Da'ish or Daesh – has gathered more interest in the wake of the Paris attacks. Here’s why this battle of naming matters.