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For Grumpy Cat, a random internet post led to global fame and red carpet appearances. Danny Moloshok/Reuters

Memetics and the science of going viral

This scientific field suggests people have been passing along memes since long before the birth of the internet. What makes one bit of culture take off, while another sinks from sight?
The Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, Arizona, is one of the few remnants of America’s mid-20th century motel boom. Library of Congress

The twilight of the mom and pop motel

What does the shuttering of traditional roadside motels say about America’s relationship with travel and freedom?
President Barack Obama meets with Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell at the Oval Office. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Can Congress build bipartisanship through caucuses?

As deadlines loom large for Congress, is there any hope for avoiding gridlock? A political scientist examines one common, informal way members build relationships across the aisle.
Natural soaps without antibiotics may be better for you than ones with triclosan. From

Why you should dispense with antibacterial soaps

The FDA banned the use of 19 antiseptics in hand soaps, saying that the soaps’ makers had not shown that the chemicals did any good. Here’s why the chemicals actually might have been doing harm.
Teams collaborate to attack each other’s systems, and simultaneously defend their own. CSAW

Teaching the next generation of cybersecurity professionals

By 2020, the cybersecurity industry will need 1.5 million more workers than will be qualified for jobs. What’s the solution? Getting high school and college students excited about the industry.
Most cases of Zika are asymptomatic. Airman Magazine/U.S. Air Force Photo/Tech. Sgt. Brandon Shapiro/Flickr

Zika virus: Only a few small outbreaks likely to occur in the continental US

A computer model suggests that while more cases of Zika can be expected in the continental U.S. outbreaks will probably be small and are not projected to spread.
French policemen investigating the abandonment of a car packed with gas cylinders near Paris’s Notre Dame cathedral. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

Women’s key role in Islamic State networks, explained

The recent arrest of female terrorists in France brought attention to the role women play in IS. A group of American academics studied this issue – with a surprising result.
Smokers not only pay a lot of money for cigarettes but also for their health insurance.

Another cost of smoking: Sky-high insurance

To discourage smoking, insurance companies charge higher premiums for smokers. This is having an unexpected consequence: rather than quit smoking, poor people are quitting insurance.
Should a future parent consider the impact more people will have on the Earth? child via

Bioethicist: The climate crisis calls for fewer children

A philosopher of ‘procreation ethics’ at the center of a controversy over having kids explains why we can’t ignore the population question in an era of climate change.
Public park in Manhattan, home to a rat population with over 100 visible burrows. Dr. Michael H. Parsons

Scientist at work: Revealing the secret lives of urban rats

Rats foul our food, spread disease and damage property, but we know very little about them. A biologist explains how he tracks wild rats in New York City, and what he’s learned about them so far.
Homeschooling is a growing trend in America. Children learning at Woodlands Nature Station in Kentucky. Land Between the Lakes KY/TN

Here’s how homeschooling is changing in America

The number of homeschoolers in America is growing. Who are these new homeschoolers and what’s the impact on the public school system?
When cars talk to each other, and their surroundings. Connected cars graphic via

Saving lives by letting cars talk to each other

There is a way to improve safety across a rapidly evolving range of advanced mobility technologies and vehicles. The answer is connectivity.