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World Food Programme (WFP) staff members load bags of split yellow peas into a truck in a WFP warehouse based in El Fasher, North Darfur, for delivery and distribution in camps for displaced persons (IDPs) in Shangil Tobaya, North Darfur. UN Photo/Albert González Farran

Good intentions and poor results – John Steinbeck’s lessons on humanitarian aid

Steinbeck highlights an insight all too often lost on many contemporary poverty fighters around the world: efforts to help sometimes turn out to harm.
Silver can be an effective antibacterial when treated in special ways. Silver image via

Silver shines as antibacterial for medical implants

Joint replacement surgery comes with a big risk of infection. New implant technology that can release silver ions inside the body could help – and without increasing antibiotic resistance.
Magnets have mysterious powers – now shown to influence heat and sound. Magnet image via

Magnetic fields can control heat and sound

Sound waves are made of particles called phonons. New research shows they’re affected by magnetic fields, with researchers able to steer heat magnetically.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) holds a meeting with Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif (R) over Iran’s nuclear program in Lausanne on March 17, 2015. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Republican fear and loathing of Iran has international consequences

The US is just one actor in an important global non-proliferation regime that works towards preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.
Britain’s Prince Harry and his fiancee Meghan Markle appear on the grounds of Kensington Palace in London, Nov. 27, 2017. AP Photo/Matt Dunham

Why do Americans fawn over British royalty?

It might seem strange, especially given the nation’s decision to sever ties with George III in 1776.
Young adult dystopian characters like Insurgent’s Tris are inspiring their female fans to shatter the glass ceiling. Lionsgate Films

Girls on fire: political empowerment in young adult dystopia

By featuring girls who buck the conventions of their world – and ours – films like Insurgent inspire fans to enact real change.