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Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, left, shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Feb. 18, 2022. Sergei Guneyev/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images

3 reasons Belarus is helping Russia wage war against Ukraine

Belarus’ alliance with Russia is a strategic factor in the Ukraine war. The country’s long-term dictator, Alexander Lukashenko, has indicated he will do as Russian President Vladimir Putin says.
A woman holds a blood-stained portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin at a protest at the Russian Consulate in Montreal on Feb. 25, 2022. Andrej Ivanov /AFP via Getty Images

War in Ukraine is changing energy geopolitics

Russian President Vladimir Putin has used his country’s massive energy reserves effectively for political influence. But with war in Ukraine, nations are looking for ways to cut those ties.
Los bostonianos tuvieron que cavar para librarse de casi dos pies (0,6 metros) de nieve después de que una histórica tormenta de nieve a finales de enero de 2022. Scott Eisen/Getty Images

¿Qué tiene que ver el cambio climático y las tormentas de nieve que experimenta EEUU?

Los inviernos en el Noreste de EEUU se estan calentando, pero las nevadas son cada vez más intensas. ¿Cómo se puede conciliar la racha de grandes tormentas de nieve con el calentamiento del clima?
Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill, center, attends a ceremony consecrating the Cathedral of Russian Armed Forces outside Moscow. Andrey Rusov, Defense Ministry Press Service via AP

Holy wars: How a cathedral of guns and glory symbolizes Putin’s Russia

To understand Russia’s war in Ukraine, look to the blend of religious and militaristic nationalism under Putin – on full display in the Church of the Russian Armed Forces.
Oil tanks get filled on Russia’s Mendeleev Prospect oil tanker in Primorsk on the Baltic Sea. Alexander Ryumin\TASS via Getty Images

Can wealthy nations stop buying Russian oil?

Russia is one of the world’s top three oil producers and a major oil exporter. How will it, and global oil markets, respond if its wealthiest customers turn off the tap?
A burned ‘Caution: Children at play’ sign remained after a wildfire devastated the town of Berry Creek, Calif., in 2020. Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

US climate risks are rising – a scientist looks at the dangers her children will have to adapt to, from wildfires to water scarcity

The author’s 9-year-old son will likely face about four times as many extreme events in his lifetime as older adults today. An international report explains the impacts already being felt.