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Sometimes you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. 'Clowns' via

The psychology behind why clowns creep us out

Random clown sightings don’t make everyone laugh. A psychologist who has studied creepiness explains why clowns are especially adept at making us squirm.
Humility might have gone out of politics. But why does it matter? Charles Mostoller/Reuters

Why America needs the virtues of humility

At a time when politics is showing its most divisive side, a scholar argues that embracing humility could help us deal with hidden biases.
The front columns at the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., Oct. 5, 2015. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Alexander Hamilton and the new Supreme Court term

As the new Supreme Court session opens, a legal scholar makes an argument for sticking with just eight justices. It’s not unconstitutional.
Steven Morgan deploys ABLE robots in a swimming pool to test how well their programs simulate larval behavior. University of California, Davis

Underwater robots help scientists see where marine larvae go and how they get there

Most ocean species start out as larvae drifting with currents. Using underwater robots, scientists have found that larvae use swimming motions to affect their course and reach suitable places to grow.
What can be done to get more kids interested in STEM? Child image via

Group work gets kids more engaged in STEM

A study with pre-school children found that their motivation and interest improved when they believed they were part of a group.
What’s in the mind of a solo attacker? Man with gun image via

What drives lone offenders?

Lone offender – sometimes called “lone wolf” – attacks may become a more prevalent threat. What can we understand about them and the people who carry them out?
Some say coddled kids need to be taught how to persevere through setbacks and disappointments. 'Flower' via

What’s behind America’s insistence on instilling grit in kids?

One of the newest trends in education is teaching students how to develop grit. But what’s even meant by ‘grit’? And what if grit means something different for everyone?
The U.N. General Assembly Hall. UN Photo/Manuel Elias

Trump, Clinton and the future of global democracy

Will the next U.S. president continue to champion democracy around the world? Not meeting this challenge could have dangerous consequences, says former U.S. diplomat.
A vial of the Zika Virus Investigational DNA Vaccine from the NIH. NIH Image Gallery/Flickr

Why a Zika vaccine is a long way off

The long vaccine development process is focused on ensuring production of the safest and most effective vaccine for use.
Can machine learning help us find – and reduce – gender bias? Doctor/nurse via

Removing gender bias from algorithms

Algorithms that learn from large data sets can pick up inherent social biases. That could perpetuate the biases, or even worsen them.
Imprisoned members of FARC at the camp where they will ratify a peace deal with the government. REUTERS/John Vizcaino

Will Colombia’s peace deal get the people’s vote?

The peace deal in Colombia is not only a welcome surprise after 50 years of war, it’s also groundbreaking. If Colombians vote in favor, it could offer hope for other countries in conflict.
A still image captured from a video from the Tulsa Police Department shows Terence Crutcher with his hands in the air. Tulsa Police Department Handout via REUTERS

How the Jim Crow internet is pushing back against Black Lives Matter

A scholar of visual culture sees a transition happening online as the alt-right reinterprets images of police shootings to push back against the gains made by Black Lives Matter.
Children learn to share and show concern from an early age. Angela Sevin

Here’s how to raise a child to be sympathetic

Children feel sympathy for others from an early age. Two development psychologists explain how children can learn, based on feelings of sympathy, how to act more thoughtfully.