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A dress by designer Iris van Herpen, who, with her runway designs, challenges common fashion norms and beliefs. Zach Balbino/flickr

Can technology help fashion clean up its act?

Fast fashion is the second most wasteful industry on Earth. But with the creation of dresses that charge cellphones and clothes made from recycled bottles, we could be on the verge of a green fashion revolution.
Hillary Clinton takes questions during a student town hall at a campaign stop at New England College in Henniker, New Hampshire. Adrees Latif/Reuter

Why debt-free college will not solve the real problems in America’s higher education system

America’s higher education has been split into two unequal worlds. Schools serving the bulk of America’s underprivileged students lack resources. Making college free will not solve the problem.
Changing a centuries-old format will take some big thinking. vittoriocarvelli/DeviantArt

Making the case for a new Olympics model

With the one-city format no longer viable, an Olympics expert proposes a radical new vision for the format of the Olympic Games. It actually makes a lot of sense.
How hard is it to find what people would prefer was forgotten? Magnifying glass with person and question mark via

Is anything ever ‘forgotten’ online?

How hard is it to find out what information has been removed from search engine results? What about identifying who asked for it to be removed?
A vigil in memory of Alton Sterling, who was shot dead by police. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. REUTERS/Jeffrey Dubinsky

Why is it so hard to improve American policing?

For 50 years, we have worked to make U.S. police more diverse and less intrusive. Why haven’t we made more progress?