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Before there was E10, in the 1970s there was ‘gasohol,’ another name for gasoline that had been blended with ethanol. eklektikos/flickr

Corn ethanol: the rise and fall of a political force

Ted Cruz opposes subsidies for biofuels and still managed to win in ethanol-friendly Iowa. Is corn ethanol starting to lose its political clout?
Protector in chief: Theodore Roosevelt with conservationist John Muir at Yosemite in 1906. U.S. Library of Congress

Who politicized the environment and climate change?

Historically, environmental causes enjoyed bipartisan support but gains by NGOs and the emergence of climate change as a social issue have created a sharp political divide.
EU and Polish flags together at anti-government demonstration in Warsaw. Kacper Pempel/Reuters

Europe has lost its Polish anchor

After years of being hailed as the shining example of post-Communist success, Poland is being depicted going ‘backward.’ What happened? And why is this significant for Europe?
What will change with the new SAT? Student image via

Here’s what will change with the new SAT

SAT prep is a multi-billion dollar industry today. Will the redesigned SAT restore its original goal of providing greater access to higher education for a diverse population?
Lining up potential pitfalls: nonexperts and computers may misinterpret the vertical line in this image as a natural feature rather than a result of a mosaic compilation of multiple satellite images. Google Earth

In sea of satellite images, experts’ eyes still needed

Expert image analysts have an important role to play, even in an age of computer interpretation and crowdsourcing.
Donald Trump speaks at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach. REUTERS/Randall Hill. REUTERS/Randall Hill

Demagogues in history: Why Trump emphasizes emotion over facts

Insults are tossed about in an election year but the word “demagogue” has a particular bite. But what is a demagogue and how do the 2016 candidates compare with demagogues in history?
Municipal workers wait before spraying insecticide to prevent the spread of Aedes aegypti mosquito at Sambodrome in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 26, 2016. Pilar Olivares/Reuters

Explainer: where did Zika virus come from and why is it a problem in Brazil?

Zika was discovered almost 70 years ago, but wasn’t associated with outbreaks until 2007. So how did this formerly obscure virus wind up causing so much trouble in Brazil?