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Bringing scientific research online can help improve collaboration to a degree. Hiroshi Watanabe/DigitalVision via Getty Images

Building better brain collaboration online – despite scientific squabbles, the decade-long Human Brain Project brought measurable success to neuroscience collaboration

The European Union’s 10-year Human Brain Project is coming to a close. Whether this controversial 1 billion-euro project achieved its aims is unclear, but its online forum did foster collaboration.
Las personas con trastorno dismórfico corporal suelen examinarse a sí mismas y a sus defectos percibidos. Stevica Mrdja/EyeEm via Getty Images

El trastorno dismórfico corporal es más común que los trastornos alimentarios como la anorexia y la bulimia, aunque pocas personas conocen sus peligros

Aproximadamente una cuarta parte de las personas con trastorno dismórfico corporal intentan suicidarse o tienen ideas suicidas.
A suicide attack in early March 2023 killed a Taliban governor in his office and two other victims. Atif Aryan/AFP via Getty Images)

A string of assassinations in Afghanistan point to ISIS-K resurgence – and US officials warn of possible attacks on American interests in next 6 months

ISIS-K’s recent killings of Taliban brass are part of the extremist group’s long-term strategy. Will Taliban leaders contain the resurgence of violence?
The federal government has a lot of cybersecurity resources, but the private sector plays a key role in national cyber defense. U.S. government

What is the National Cybersecurity Strategy? A cybersecurity expert explains what it is and what the Biden administration has changed

The new National Cybersecurity Strategy reiterates the government’s focus on resilient infrastructure and taking the offensive against hackers. But it also brings a fresh approach to the private sector.