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Wild birds like pelicans and ducks are getting infected with – and dying from – a new strain of avian influenza and have spread it to farm animals around the world. Klebher Vasquez/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

What is spillover? Bird flu outbreak underscores need for early detection to prevent the next big pandemic

A biologist who studies how viruses spread from animals to people explains the process of spillover and the risks posed by the new bird flu that has spread across the globe.
A Ukrainian soldier trains near a front line in the Russia-Ukraine war on Feb. 18, 2022. Mustafa Ciftci/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

The looming stalemate in Ukraine one year after the Russian invasion

Considered to have one of the most powerful militaries in the world, Russian President Vladimir Putin has little to show for his invasion of Ukraine.
Jimmy Carter answered reporters’ election-monitoring questions in Caracas, Venezuela, May 29, 2004. Juan Barreto/AFP via Getty Images

I assisted Carter’s work encouraging democracy – and saw how his experience, persistence and engineer’s mindset helped build a freer Latin America over decades

A former staffer with The Carter Center saw how Jimmy Carter’s efforts to bring democracy to Latin America improved conditions, prevented bloodshed and saved lives.
A student on a school bus holding a digital point-and-shoot camera. Jason Zhang/Wikimedia Commons

Why are so many Gen Z-ers drawn to old digital cameras?

Smartphone cameras tend to be more advanced than their clunky, point-and-shoot predecessors. But the allure of cameras from the early 2000s reflects a broader search for meaning.
Social media can sometimes damage the self-esteem of teen girls. stock-eye/iStock via Getty Images Plus

How to help teen girls’ mental health struggles – 6 research-based strategies for parents, teachers and friends

The mental health of teenagers has grown far worse over the last decade. But a new report shows that, compared with boys, teen girls are disproportionately experiencing sadness and hopelessness.
Ukrainian designer Margarita Chala stands next to shoes symbolizing war crimes committed against Ukrainian civilians at the Old Town Square in Prague in 2023. Michal Cizek/AFP via Getty Images

When there are no words: Talking about wartime trauma in Ukraine

Trauma can affect how people remember and describe experiences. Many survivors express their pain through objects and physical symptoms, an anthropologist explains.
A healthy endocannabinoid system is critical to the human body’s immune functions. Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Digital Vision via Getty Images

People produce endocannabinoids – similar to compounds found in marijuana – that are critical to many bodily functions

A THC-like substance that occurs naturally in humans and other vertebrates helps maintain immunity, memory, nerve function and more – and research suggests a lack of it can harm health.