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Americans tend to prefer beers that have corn or rice ‘adjuncts,’ or fillers. RetroClipArt/

Why bland American beer is here to stay

The unique role of the temperance movement in US history might explain why, when it comes to Americans’ tastes, bland beer is still king.
Betsy DeVos, shaking hands at a school choice rally shortly before she became education secretary in 2017. AP Photo/Maria Danilova

DeVos and the limits of the education reform movement

The cycle of overpromising and disappointment has left donors, politicians and policymakers of all stripes looking to improve K-12 public schooling with an underwhelming track record.
Saint Patrick. Thad Zajdowicz

10 things to know about the real St. Patrick

There are many myths associated with St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. But Patrick’s own writings and early biographies reveal the person behind the legend.
Hundreds of students protesting gun violence marched to the Minnesota State Capitol on March 7, 2018. Jim Mone/AP

Teaching students how to dissent is part of democracy

As part of preparing students to live in a democracy, schools should teach students how to engage in political dissent, a philosophy of education scholar argues.
A lone new neuron (green) in a 13-year-old’s hippocampus. Sorrells et al

Adult human brains don’t grow new neurons in hippocampus, contrary to prevailing view

The scientists behind a controversial new study were surprised by their own results. But they carefully did all they could to ‘prove a negative,’ and their neurogenesis study is shaking up the field.
People and animals live side by side – and can have pathogens in common. Nichola Hill

Influenza’s wild origins in the animals around us

No one then knew a virus caused the 1918 flu pandemic, much less that animals can be a reservoir for human illnesses. Now virus ecology research and surveillance are key for public health efforts.
Sleep affects sex, and sex affects sleep. It’s important to pay attention to both. VGstockstudio/

Want better sex? Try getting better sleep

Research demonstrates a two-way relationship between sleep problems and sexual problems, as well as between satisfying sex and sound sleep. If you want better sex, you need better sleep.
Farmed fish like these carp now make an important contribution to global food security. Ben Belton

Let them eat carp: Fish farms are helping to fight hunger

Many critics say that fish farms mainly sell their output to wealthy countries and don’t provide much benefit to poor people in producing countries. Three aquaculture experts show why this view is wrong.