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What happened to people inside this building, the U.S. Embassy in Havana? U.S. State Department

Can sound be used as a weapon? 4 questions answered

Were foreign diplomats and tourists attacked with a ‘sonic weapon’ – or was it something else? Ultrasound researchers demonstrate a rational, evidence-based explanation.
Visitors to Imjingak Pavilion in Paju, South Korea at the border of North Korea and South Korea on Jan. 1, 2018. AP Photo/Lee Jin-man

How a nuclear attack on North Korea would add to global cancer epidemic

The Trump administration shelved its plans for a ‘bloody nose’ attack while the Olympics in South Korea were under way. With the games over, it’s time to consider the consequences of a strike.
Moviegoers familiarize themselves with the joystick that will allow them to interact with the film ‘I’m Your Man’ during its premiere on Dec. 16, 1992. AP Photo/Richard Harbus

From Smell-O-Vision to Astrocolor, the film industry’s biggest innovation flops

Sound, color and special effects transformed the moviegoing experience. These inventions decidedly did not.
The number of Guatemalan children adopted by foreign parents dropped from 4,100 in 2008 to 58 in 2010, after the country drastically curtailed the practice. Reuters/Jorge Dan Lopez

International adoptions have dropped 72 percent since 2005 – here’s why

In 2005, almost 46,000 children were adopted across borders. Ten years later, just 12,000 were. The foreign adoption system is imploding, potentially putting children’s lives in danger.
Immigrants and activists demonstrate in front of the Republican Party headquarters in Washington. AP Photo/Luis Alonso Lugo

Why deporting the ‘Dreamers’ is immoral

Conservatives on migration claim that allowing the DACA recipients to stay shows disrespect for the law. The moral principles that underlie the American legal system, however, tell a different story.
Students who walked out of school protest against gun violence in front of the White House. Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

Why is the NRA boycott working so quickly?

The lightning-quick corporate response to demands for a boycott against the NRA shows that companies can’t escape politics in an age saturated with social media.
A trash truck discharges solid waste at the South East Reserve Recovery Facility’s refuse storage pit in Long Beach, California, August 24, 2010. AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes

Garbage in, garbage out: Incinerating trash is not an effective way to protect the climate or reduce waste

Most Americans don’t want incinerators in their neighborhoods, so waste management companies are burning trash in other facilities such as cement kilns. Is this a sustainable way to deal with garbage?
Pres. Dwight Eisenhower, right, looking at a map in 1955 of highways to be built with federal funds that retired Gen. Lucius Clay, left, had outlined. AP Photo/Byron Rollins

Why Trump may usher in the biggest gas tax hike ever

Despite all their anti-tax sentiments, Republicans from Hoover to Trump have embraced this levy on sales at the pump.
Social isolation is linked to increased blood pressure and depression. Mindmo/

Loneliness is bad for your health

Social isolation is linked to higher blood pressure, lower cognitive abilities and even increased chances of premature death.
In a divided United States, how can we describe who is on each side? from

Understanding the US political divide, one word cloud at a time

There’s a new way to reveal America’s political divide. One researcher finds the differences between groups that are normally crudely described as ‘right-left’ can be better explained by word clouds.
Violeta Chamorro President of Nicaragua meets with former President Bush in the Oval Office at the White House in 1992. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Washington has meddled in elections before

Decades ago, the CIA created a secret department dedicated to spreading anti-communist propaganda around the globe. A scholar explains how it is comparable to Russian meddling through social media.