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University students attend a protest inside Tehran University as anti-riot Iranian police prevent them from joining other protesters. AP Photo

Why Iran’s protests matter this time

Although the unrest that shocked Iran’s ruling elite appears to be over, there are several reasons to think this won’t be the last time disaffected citizens take to the streets.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo vows he will fight to protect his state from fallout from the new tax law. AP Photo/Hans Pennink

Why states may get away with creative income tax maneuvers

New York, California and other high-tax states are angling to use the charitable deduction and state payroll taxes as workarounds to shield both their residents and their revenue.
Some telemarketers retain nearly all of the charitable dollars they solicit. Gajus/

When charities let telemarketers gouge donors

For-profit fundraisers often keep more of the money they collect on behalf of nonprofits than they should but Ohio’s attorney general is accusing a charity of serving as an accomplice to a crime.
In Los Angeles, the architecture firm KTGY is repurposing shipping containers to build a transitional apartment complex for the homeless. KTGY

Architecture in 2018: Look to the streets, not the sky

Three innovative projects set to be completed this year are geared toward strengthening communities that have been left out of the economic recovery.
It may take time for a tiny step forward to show its worth. ellissharp/

Novelty in science – real necessity or distracting obsession?

Scientists are rewarded with funding and publications when they come up with innovative findings. But in the midst of a ‘reproducibility crisis,’ being new isn’t the only thing to value about research.
In the recent wave of sexual assault allegations, men tend to only appear as active perpetrators. But the landscape of sex in American culture is more nuanced. Arden_Panikk/

What about young men who are having unwanted sex?

Even though they weren’t particularly interested in having sex, fear of ridicule and insecurities tugged at many of the young men the author spoke with.