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Suspected infestation of Macrophomina phaseolina, a “novel” soil pathogen, in the non-fumigated buffer zone of a strawberry field. Julie Guthman

Healthy to eat, unhealthy to grow: Strawberries embody the contradictions of California agriculture

California produces 90 percent of the US strawberry crop, but growers face curbs on toxic chemicals that have helped their industry expand. Can a system centered on mass production become more sustainable?
Some people have unusual attractions to specific age groups. Varshesh Joshi on Unsplash

What are chronophilias?

Psychologists don’t know much about why people have age-based sexual attractions – such as pedophilia – or how best to help people not act on sexual interests in children.
Although measures of teen and adult happiness dropped during the high unemployment rates of the Great Recession, it didn’t rebound when the economy started to improve. ASDF_MEDIA/

What might explain the unhappiness epidemic?

Changes in how we’re spending our free time is a likely culprit.
Searching for victims after a rain-triggered mudslide that blanketed a village and killed at least 178 people in north China’s Shanxi province, Sept. 13, 2008. AP Photo/Andy Wong

Global toll from landslides is heaviest in developing countries

While the Montecito, California mudslides took 20 lives, landslides kill far more people in developing countries. Tighter construction standards and early warning systems could help reduce their toll.
U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos wipes her brow during an October 2017 appearance in Bellevue, Wash. AP/Ted S. Warren

DeVos speech shows contempt for the agency she heads

US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s anti-Washington rhetoric represents a radical departure from that of previous education secretaries.
Could a secret ingredient make crumbling concrete a thing of the past? m_e_mccarron

Fungi can help concrete heal its own cracks

Adding a bit of fungus to the initial ingredient list might be one way to endow concrete with the ability to fill in any bits of damage that occur, without the need for human intervention.
Extreme cold weather in Atlanta, Ga., on Jan. 3, 2018. AP Photo/David Goldman

Climate change and weather extremes: Both heat and cold can kill

Many parts of the US have experienced extreme heat or extreme cold in the past year. Recent research projects that climate change will increase deaths from both types of weather, especially cold spells.
Should we be more patient with those we view as distracted? Serhii Bobyk/

Tolerating distraction

We disapprove of distraction and consider attention as being valuable. What if they were, in fact, morally charged words, referring to the same behavior? Here’s what early Christian monks thought.
Funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) has run out. stockcreations/

Time to stop using 9 million children as a bargaining CHIP

Funding for a children’s health insurance program ran out at the end of last September. Despite the program’s clear benefits, plans to renew it have been caught in partisan bickering.