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High school students in Colorado have protested the use of standardized tests. Caiaimage/Chris Ryan via Getty Images

1 in 4 Colorado 11th-graders skipped their state’s standardized test − geography and income help explain why

The opt-out movement caught on heavily in Colorado in the late 2010s. A group of education scholars is exploring the reasons why.
Canals carry PFAS into Miami’s Biscayne Bay. Art Wager/E+ via Getty Images

PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ are getting into ocean ecosystems, where dolphins, fish and manatees dine – we traced their origins

Scientists found PFAS hot spots in Miami’s Biscayne Bay where the chemicals are entering coastal waters and reaching the ocean. Water samples point to some specific sources.
Every brain injury is unique, as is every person’s path to recovery. Chinnapong/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Brains have a remarkable ability to rewire themselves following injury − a concussion specialist explains the science behind rehabilitation and recovery

Concussions can teach researchers a great deal about how the brain recovers after injury and offer insights into how people can promote brain health throughout their lives.
The mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine – the worst in the state’s history – was carried out by a gunman with a known history of mental illness. AP Photo/Matt York

Mass shootings often put a spotlight on mental illness, but figuring out which conditions should keep someone from having a gun is no easy task

Red flag laws are an important step in the right direction, but much more work is needed to determine the role of mental health in the lead-up to and aftermath of mass shootings.
Claudia Sheinbaum, la favorita para convertirse en la primera mujer presidenta de México. AP Photo/Marco Ugarte

México elegirá pronto a su primera presidenta, pero este hito oculta una marcha desigual hacia los derechos de la mujer

Las mujeres representan la mitad del Congreso mexicano y ocupan puestos clave en la política y la judicatura. Sin embargo, el país sigue sufriendo altas tasas de feminicidio.
Central Maine Power Co. lineman John Baril works to restore electricity in Lewiston, Maine, on March 15, 2023, after a winter storm. AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty

Maine voters don’t like their electric utilities, but they balked at paying billions to buy them out

Power companies can be publicly or privately owned and may report to corporate boards, local governments or co-op members. But there’s no one best way to deliver electricity reliably and affordably.
La humildad puede ayudarte a centrarte en tu interconexión con los demás. deberarr/iStock via Getty Images Plus

La humildad es la base de una vida virtuosa

La humildad no recibe el bombo y platillo de virtudes como la valentía, la compasión o la generosidad.