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Polysaccharide molecules such as cellulose, seen here, are long chains of sugars that are very hard to break apart. Enzymes – proteins that can degrade polysaccharides – have many industrial uses. CeresVesta/Wikipedia

Scientist at work: Bio-prospecting for better enzymes

Bio-prospecting is the search for useful materials from natural sources. A biologist explains what we can learn from bacteria about breaking down plant material, and how we can use that knowledge.
Saturn and its rings backlit by the sun, which is blocked by the planet in this view. Encircling the planet and inner rings is the much more extended E-ring. NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

Water, weather, new worlds: Cassini mission revealed Saturn’s secrets

With the probe now on its ‘Grand Finale,’ a Cassini team member describes the amazing discoveries it made about the ringed planet and its many moons.
Most U.S. environmental organizations are less diverse than this group of Californian environmental justice leaders. Brooke Anderson/CEJA

Why environmental groups need more volunteers of color

How could green groups attract more diverse volunteers? Maybe they could put more time and energy into outreach toward the people most affected by environmental injustices.
Rhetoric can teach scientists how to effectively communicate what’s going on in the lab to the rest of us. Joshua Mayer

Defending science: How the art of rhetoric can help

If you’ve only ever paired the idea of ‘rhetoric’ with ‘empty,’ think again. Rhetoricians of science have concrete techniques to share with researchers to help them communicate their scientific work.
Neil Gorsuch signs the constitutional oath after Chief Justice Roberts administered it in a private ceremony on April 10. Franz Jantzen/Public Information Office Supreme Court of the U.S. via AP

What Gorsuch’s conservative Supreme Court means for workers

With Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the high court, conservatives regain their 5-4 majority, which will likely benefit employers over workers.
British Prime Minister Theresa May called on Tuesday for an early election. REUTERS/Toby Melville

Theresa May’s snap election gamble, explained

Wondering how the U.K. government can just decide to dissolve itself and call for a general election? As our expert explains, it’s not uncommon.
When the environment and businesses meet, who will make sure one doesn’t suffer at the hands of the other? Lukas / Pexels

US business schools failing on climate change

Though business and industry are significantly contributing to climate change, business schools across the country are not preparing our future leaders for the dramatic shift this planet needs.
Mark Zuckerberg is, quite famously, a college dropout. But his case is the exception – not the rule. AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

The myth of the college dropout

While the media glamorizes famous college dropouts like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, the reality is that most successful people in the U.S. went to – and finished – college.
Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina. Tjss99/Flickr

The state of US forests: 6 questions answered

Forests are valuable for many uses, including timber, clean water, wildlife habitat and recreation. Stresses on U.S. forests include wildfires, pest invasions and development of private lands.