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Pro-statehood supporters at the seaside Capitol in San Juan, Puerto Rico. AP Photo/Danica Coto

Yes, Puerto Ricans are American citizens

Over the years, Puerto Ricans have in fact been granted three different types of U.S. citizenship, but questions about their rights and equal treatment as citizens still remain.
Trump addresses a joint session of Congress on Feb. 28, 2017, as VP Mike Pence and House Speaker Paul Ryan applaud. Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool Image via AP

Trump’s address to Congress: Expert reaction

Three scholars grade Trump’s first address to Congress. How did he do on Obamacare? What would his ‘merit-based’ immigration proposal mean? And can he play nice with others
Smaller-dose pot-infused brownies are divided and packaged at The Growing Kitchen in Boulder, Co. AP Photo/Brennan Linsley

Edible marijuana: What we need to know

Edible marijuana, especially in forms that are appealing to young people, is problematic. Here are things to consider to keep kids safe.
Achievement unlocked: Rewritable paper. Yadong Yin

Reprintable paper becomes a reality

Coating paper with an inexpensive thin film can allow users to print and erase a physical page as many as 80 times. That reduces both the cost and the environmental effects of paper use.
Genking, a male-born Japanese TV personality and ‘genderless’ pioneer. _genking_/Instagram

Japan’s gender-bending history

In Japanese popular culture, new trends come and go. But the Japanese have toyed with gender norms for generations.
In sharks’ territory. Warm Winds Surf Shop/Flickr

Culling sharks won’t protect surfers

Professional surfers have called for culling sharks to reduce the risk of attacks. A shark biologist explains why culling will not work and surfers should accept risk when they enter the water.
A day without museums? The NEA has been threatened with cuts and elimination many times in its short history, including in 1990. Al Behrman/AP Photo

How the NEA’s measly millions keep America’s museums alive

Trump has indicated he wants to eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts in his budget to save money. The impact on many US museums could be devastating.
A screen shot of open enrollment for 2017 Obamacare plans. Open enrollment is now closed, and opponents hope it will be closed forever. Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

Do you know what the Affordable Care Act does? Here’s a primer to help

Opinions are strong about the Affordable Care Act, but not everyone understands what the nearly 1,000-page law does. In case you missed the high points of the law, here’s a primer to help.
Prairie potholes in South Dakota are important breeding and feeding areas for many types of birds. Under the Clean Water Rule, farmers cannot fill them in or discharge pollutants into them without a permit. Laura Hubers, USFWS/Flickr

Why farmers and ranchers think the EPA Clean Water Rule goes too far

President Trump signed an executive order to roll back the 2015 Clean Water Rule. Two water experts explain why the rule alarms farmers and ranchers concerned about over-regulation.
A 1941 photograph depicts the Chicago Defender’s linotype operators. Wikimedia Commons

Can the black press stay relevant?

From the treatment of black World War II veterans to Emmett Till’s murder, the black press helped lay the groundwork for the civil rights movement. What role can it play today?
Deporting more illegal immigrants means hiring more ICE agents. The costs add up. Charles Reed/U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement via AP

Why mass deportations are costly and hurt the economy

Following through on campaign promises to forcibly evict several million illegal immigrants, Trump has set in motion a plan to deport those with criminal records. But doing so won’t come cheap.
Human genome editing raises a lot of questions. Gene sequence image via

Safe and ethical ways to edit the human genome

A new report from the National Academies of Science and Medicine outlines conditions that have to be met before gene editing that results in heritable genomic changes can be considered.
Injured people are evacuated from the scene of a militant attack on a mosque in northern Sinai, Egypt on Nov. 24, 2017. Associated Press

Who are the Sufis and why does IS see them as threatening?

A new attack on a Sufi mosque in Egypt drives home the hatred of Islamic State and other some other Muslim groups for the Sufi traditions of inclusiveness and mystical worship.