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Donald Trump embraces legendary basketball coach Bobby Knight at a campaign rally in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jim Young/Reuters

Trump’s dog whistle: the white, screwed-over sports icon

Politicians are often eager to embrace the support of sports stars. But when Donald Trump trots out a very specific type of athlete and coach at his events, who’s he really trying to appeal to?
School closure over the summer widens the achievement gap between classes. School chair image via

How community schools can beat summer learning loss for low-income students

The learning loss that occurs over the summer for poor students can lead to a growing academic achievement gap in subsequent years. What are community schools and how do they help low-income students?
Panama City, Panama. The gleaming metropolis reflects a rapid economic growth with a marginal national investment in research and development. Carlos A. Donado Morcillo

Is Panama on the verge of a scientific brain drain?

In the midst of a rapidly growing economy, research budget shortcomings threaten a young scientific community that struggles to stay afloat.
Surface oil slick from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Andreas Teske, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

Can we harness bacteria to help clean up future oil spills?

Genetic analysis shows that marine bacteria broke down much of the oil from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill. These findings could lead to more effective cleanups after future spills.
What struggles do black families face over the summer? Mother child image via

What summertime means for black children

Summer is not an idyllic time for all. Two researchers who are black and are parents to two black children describe why they feel the weight of the summer.
Seddique Mateen, the father of Omar Mateen, grabs a photographer’s lens at his home. Carlo Allegri/Reuters

Is there a link between being in the closet and being homophobic?

Orlando shooter Omar Mateen’s father has denounced homosexuality, while many say Mateen secretly grappled with his own sexuality. Here’s what the research says on the relationship between parents’ attitudes, being closeted and being homophobic.
An uncertain future… Union Jack via

Would Brexit be followed by breakup of the United Kingdom?

The UK’s regions – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – hold very different views about whether to remain in the EU, which means the country might not survive a Brexit in its current form.
Will campaigns’ data use help determine the election? Pie chart via

2016: the proving ground for political data

The contrast between Trump’s no-data approach and Clinton’s analytics-heavy campaign offers an opportunity to evaluate the role, and usefulness, of data in political campaigns.
The grizzly, or brown, bear in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is posed to lose protections under the Endangered Species Act. Jim Peaco, Yellowstone National Park

Of bears and biases: scientific judgment and the fate of Yellowstone’s grizzlies

The grizzly bear of Yellowstone is expected to be delisted from the Endangered Species Act. But a survey of grizzly bear researchers finds flaws in how wildlife experts evaluate scientific data.
Perhaps your career path is paved with big data. Steve Johnson

Big data jobs are out there – are you ready?

Most industries tap into big data these days – meaning more and more jobs are opening up in this field. Here’s some background on the skills and qualities you’d use as a modern big data professional.
The author began hearing the sound at night, between the hours of 10 and 11 p.m. 'Street' via

Cracking the mystery of the ‘Worldwide Hum’

Shortly after Glen MacPherson started hearing strange humming noises, he created the World Hum and Database Project so people around the world could document their own experiences with the Hum.