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How hard is it to find what people would prefer was forgotten? Magnifying glass with person and question mark via

Is anything ever ‘forgotten’ online?

How hard is it to find out what information has been removed from search engine results? What about identifying who asked for it to be removed?
A vigil in memory of Alton Sterling, who was shot dead by police. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. REUTERS/Jeffrey Dubinsky

Why is it so hard to improve American policing?

For 50 years, we have worked to make U.S. police more diverse and less intrusive. Why haven’t we made more progress?
President Obama spoke in Atlanta at a summit on how to curb the opioid epidemic. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Opioid crisis: How did we get here?

As congressional leaders today discuss legislation to curb the opioid epidemic, we look at three articles that explain how it happened and one that suggests some solutions.
Father and son before the Muslim funeral prayer for Muhammad Ali in Louisville, Kentucky. Adrees Latif/Reuters

American Islam: a view from the suburbs

Islam is often presented as an unchanging monolith. But as the emergence of ‘third spaces’ outside home and mosque shows, the American Muslim community exemplifies the diversity of American society.
Harmful algal bloom caused by nutrient pollution, Assateague island National Seashore, MD. Eric Vance, U.S. EPA/Flickr

Reducing water pollution with microbes and wood chips

Excess nutrients from farm fields cause widespread water pollution across the U.S. Bioreactors – essentially, ditches filled with wood chips – are emerging as a way to reduce nutrient pollution.
The police accountability, or cop-watching, movement includes activists who go out on regular patrols to videotape arrests. Mary Angela Bock

How video can help police – and the public

With citizens filming police, and police recording public encounters, the key to the truth is establishing a clear timeline of events.