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Should down-ballot Republicans love this face? REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

Did Donald Trump kill the Tea Party?

This primary cycle, few incumbents in the House and Senate are fighting off extremist challengers. Is that because the top of the ticket is taking up all the air?
What’s in that bottle? And is it safe?

Will the new toxic chemical safety law protect us?

Congress has passed a long-overdue update of a key law regulating hazardous chemicals. But a legal scholar says the new law does not go far enough to reduce chemical exposure risks.
Does technology help with learning? John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Follow

Why schools should provide one laptop per child

Researchers found students’ test scores in science, writing, math and English language arts improved significantly when they were provided with laptops. The benefits were not limited to test scores.
Fentanyl is 100 times stronger than heroin. Alcibiades via Wikimedia Commons

Fentanyl: widely used, deadly when abused

Deaths from the powerful drug fentanyl, found in Prince’s body after his death, are rising. Yes, it is dangerous, but it has allowed for the expansion of many types of surgery.
The court ruling will keep all internet traffic treated equally. Laptop with arrows via

Appeals court upholds net neutrality rules – why you should care

If you like binge-watching Netflix, streaming audio or online gaming, then you should be celebrating this week. And if your business depends on reaching a wide audience online, you should join in.
A human-dependent mosquito, the range of the disease-carrying Aedes aegypti is projected to grow in the U.S. and affect more people globally. sanofi-pasteur/flickr

Global warming to expose more people to Zika-spreading mosquito Aedes aegypti

More people in the U.S. and world will be exposed to the disease-carrying mosquito Aedes aegypti, not just because of warmer temperatures but global population changes as well.
Does Trump University follow the for-profit model? Reuters/Rick Wilking

The truth about for-profit colleges and Trump University

For-profit colleges and universities have been in a lot of trouble. But the case of Trump University is different. To start with, it cannot even be called a for-profit university.