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In the future, will Turkey be a little, or a lot, democratic? Ammar Awad/Reuters

The tragedy of Turkish democracy in five acts

A professor at Ohio State surveyed Turkish citizens about their views on democracy. What he learned helps explain the current crisis in the EU wannabe.
Residents near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota and many others are concerned of the impact of mining in its headwaters. atbaker/flickr

Can nature advocates save threatened Boundary Waters wilderness – again?

Almost 100 years ago, the foundations to preserve the Boundary Waters in Minnesota for recreation were put in place. Now residents are debating whether to allow a mine in its headwaters.
President Barack Obama stands with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during a Clinton campaign event in Charlotte, North Carolina, July 5, 2016. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Dreams from their mothers: Hillary and Obama bending history again

Hillary Clinton’s work lifting up girls and women has a striking parallel to the work of women who shaped President Obama and his presidency.
A colorized 1937 photograph of a shantytown on the outskirts of Seattle. photoretrofit/Reddit

In Rio’s bulldozed favelas, echoes of America’s shantytowns

Like Brazil’s favela dwellers, America’s working poor felt a sense of pride and community in their shantytowns – and desperately resisted the powerful interests that sought to demolish them.
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton debates with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during the third presidential debate. Mark Ralston/Pool via AP

Clinton and Trump proposals on student debt explained

How far will Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s proposals on student loans benefit their college-going voters?
A housing complex in Thailand with air conditioners. Chaiwat Subprasom/Reuters

The global impact of air conditioning: big and getting bigger

Global temperatures are poised for another record-breaking year. As incomes rise around the world and global temperatures go up, the use of air conditioning is poised to increase dramatically.
Jefferson County Sheriff Cadet Andrew Sevitts directs traffic as police stop drivers to see if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol at a mobile Driving Under the Influence (DUI) checkpoint in Golden, Colorado in 2008. Rick Wilking/Reuters

Drunk driving laws don’t match the research

Research suggests lower blood alcohol concentration limits and interventions like ignition interlocks can make a big difference.
“Every day I wake up determined to deliver for the people I have met all across this nation that have been neglected, ignored, and abandoned.” Mario Anzuoni/Reuters

In acceptance speech, Trump embraces role as hero of the forgotten

Trump appeared surprisingly presidential. According to a scholar of American political rhetoric, there were echoes of Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Reagan.
Protesters at the Supreme Court rally to stop Texas abortion regulations. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Is the Constitution at stake in this year’s election?

A 20-year conservative trend in the Supreme Court is on the line. A constitutional scholar examines why this issue alone will drive herds of voters to the polls in November.
Higher carbon dioxide levels will not result in faster-growing forests – just the opposite in many places, study finds. rosskevin756/flickr

More CO2 won’t help northern forests or stave off climate change

Study using tree ring data and climate projections shows that buildup of CO2 will not benefit most northern forests and that growth rates will actually fall.